NVDB Feature panel - Exporting

Exporting NVDB features

To export NVDBfeatures to a file (including changes made to them) follow these steps:

  1. Mark one or several features in the Feature list. It is not needed for exporting the whole selected layer.

  2. Click in the Export button in the button bar of the Features section.

  3. The Export dialog opens, but customized to NVDB layers. Type a name for the file or accept the default. Select the filter to apply to the layer. Select the format or formats. If several formats are selected then a ZIP file will be created to contain them.

  4. A new addition to the dialog compared with generic dialog for other types of layers is the NVDB GeoJSON Datafangst format. This format is a format supported by NVDB administrators to accept changes through a file. See more about this format in Datafangst-API.

  5. Click OK button to export.

Other useful information of NVDB functionality: