Dashboard - User information

This menu will contain information about the user, layers, providers, profiles and projects.

General information

  • User: Web user name from credentials
  • Client: Mapspace client name
  • Expiration Date: After this date, the accessing will be locked. Any modification or extension must be requested to your local Sales Support representative.
  • Default location: Shows the users default location.
  • User type: User level.
  • Change password button: Super users can reset application password.
  • Quick access button: Shows quick access dialog.
  • Language selector: Users can change the language of the application.

Layers information

  • Layers info: Shows availables layers.

Providers information

  • Providers info: Shows providers type and name.

Profiles information

  • Profiles info: Shows profiles types and info.

LiDAR projects

  • Lidar projects: Shows the information about availables lidar projects.

Mesh3D projects

  • Mesh 3D projects: Shows the information about availables Mesh 3D projects.

Street projects

  • Street projects: Shows the information about availables street projects.

Other useful information about the Dashboard: