Release Notes
Release V1.5.21 (2025-01-23)
Changes and corrections
- Fix error with copyright.
Release 1.5.20 (2024-12-09)
Changes and corrections
- Updated Kartverket layer service url.
Release 1.5.19 (2024-11-25)
Changes and corrections
- Updated default style for vector layer with 360 (Street) projects and shot points.
- Fixed an error in oblique mode when zooming to a feature.
- Updated text in Reset buttons to "Undo".
Release 1.5.18 (2024-11-08)
Changes and corrections
- Fixed errors in Penta View and 3D Laser showcases.
Release 1.5.17 (2024-10-25)
New functionalities
- Added project centroid and buffered lines on Street WFS Layers.
Release 1.5.16 (2024-09-25)
Changes and corrections
- Orientation in the 360 viewer is corrected taking account of omega & phi angles in image metadata.
Release 1.5.15 (2024-07-30)
Changes and corrections
- Kartverket WMTS map service updated.
- Updated maximum size for Cliente WFS layers: 400Mb.
Release 1.5.14 (2024-05-08)
New functionalities
- URL Accessing: New property 'label' for address information visiblity (true/false).
- Userkey on QueryString for POST petitions.
Changes and corrections
- Depthmap redundant access protection for 360 measurments.
Release 1.5.13 (2023-12-12)
Changes and corrections
- Now if WMTS layer is not visible, the date control disappears
Release 1.5.12 (2023-11-07)
Changes and corrections
- Fixes in date selector and time dialog.
- Fixed rendering and selection of geometries with inner rings in 360 viewer.
- Fixed error when moving a NVDB feature in 360/3D viewers.
- Fixed reset of NVDB features not working in 360/3D viewers.
- Changed max wfs features from 1000 to 5000.
- Zip files for uploading vector layers must only contain these extensions: shp, shx, dbf, prj.
Release 1.5.11 (2023-10-17)
Changes and corrections
- Changes in Date Selector that highlight when a range filter is set in the viewer and updates correctly when changes are set in the Time Filter dialog. Check user manual.
- Changed default point style for local vector layers to a 3D rendering instead of 2D.
- Disabled dynamic point size option for LiDAR projects.
- Changes to unify style manager dialog.
- Bug fixes to workspace loading.
- Fixed bug for decimal rounding in vector layer.
- Fixed bug for removal and adding classification classes.
Release 1.5.10 (2023-09-27)
Changes and corrections
- Fixed workspace loading in enforceTileLayers
Release 1.5.9 (2023-09-25)
Changes and corrections
- Fixed a problem opening workspaces with certain map provider selected
Release 1.5.8 (2023-09-21)
New functionalities
- Added meta headers to examples to avoid UTF-8 coding problems.
- Added 64 char limitation uniformly to all input textboxes.
- Added table layout in Overview panel to show clearer classifications.
- Added extra information about shapefile name restrictions when importing them.
Changes and corrections
- Fixed error with measurements in profile3D viewer and 360 viewer.
Release 1.5.7 (2023-09-14)
New functionalities
- Added Kartverket as norwegian geocoding.
- Added new support form.
- Added imperial units.
- NVDB Road reference in 360 viewer.
- Load vector data in 3D profile viewer.
Changes and corrections
- Fixed error in Dashboard preferences.
- Fixed wrong length in overview panel.
- Fixed error in classification in WFS layers.
- Fixed error when deserializing some workspaces.
- Fixed error when saving a workspace.
Release 1.5.6 (2023-08-22)
New functionalities
- Added functionality to export features and measurements in shape files.
- Customization of WFS layer classifications.
- New PDF report dialog from the Feature Panel in the Toolbox that allow:
- Define a title, description, responsible person and company.
- Use the selected features to add a table in the report.
- Define alias and descriptions to attributes in the features.
- Filter the attributes that are wanted in the report.
- Set one viewer as an overview map for the report.
- Load and save a report to allow a repetitive use of same template.
- User WFS layers edition capabilities
- Features in User WFS layers now can be edited by adding new attributes and modify its values.
- Export / import: now features from User WFS layers can be exported and also imported. When importing features are not replaced but instead not fixed attributes are updated.
Release 1.5.5 (2023-08-03)
New functionalities
- Elevation measurement in 3D-profile.
- Height measurement in 360 viewer.
- 3D viewer DTM occlusion option.
- Added auxiliary lines for measurements tools.
- NVDB clean features control.
- 360 viewer label scaling adjustment.
- Max distance for vector drawing according elevation.
- Support of feet (ft) units on uploading User Vector Layers
Changes and corrections
- Fixed bug with vector rendering maximum distance in 360 viewer.
- Fixed memory issues in 360 viewer.
- Measurement cursor offset while drawing in 360 viewer.
- Tool for Road reference addition to point layers.
- Fixed measurement cursor offset while drawing.
- Fixed feature selection persists if layer visibility changed.
- NVDB panel and changesets fixes.
- Fixed missing geometries on User Vector layers.
- Fixed error on overview panel info for User Vector Layers.
Release 1.5.4 (2023-05-23)
New functionalities
- Classification of user WFS layers now use statistics generated in the server to offer a better classification values. Previously values only come existing features downloaded, which limited the range of values known in the layer.
- Overview panel improvements
- Limits are not more shown in filter
- When no filter is used there is "No filter" message
- Filters are rendered in a simpler way
- Number of features available in the server and lenghts/areas are provided for WFS layers
- Grouping options: layers can be hidden or shown, and grouped using a group name. The grouping options are saved in workspace
Release 1.5.3 (2023-02-27)
New functionalities
- Added a new import into selected layer to import vector data in existing layers (for now only works with layers created from local vector files)
Changes and corrections
- Improvements in NVDB panel:
- Worklists are no needed anymore
- Two sections are now available in the panel for showing changesets in progress and approved
- Instead of a selector for changesets, now changeset sections offer a list showing ID, date, number of objects and status
- Status shows an animated progress icon when it is pending and status is checked several time each minute in a background process
- Once a changeset is approved automatically it is moved to approved section.
- The list of all modifications appears by default when log in is done.
- The list of all modifications can be filtered using a new Dialog.
- The list of all modifications is replaced with the list of items in a changeset when it is selected.
- Changesets can be selected/deselected with one click. When no changeset is selected then the list of all modifications uses the current filter.
- Error or warning messages can appear both below features and changesets and staty visible through the use of new toggle buttons. There is no need for the extra Messages section.
- Validation messages and status messages can be visible at the same time.
- Refresh button is not required anymore. When a changeset is sent an automatic background process starts to check status.
Release 1.5.2 (2023-01-31)
New functionalities
- Added popup menu to allow user adds comments to PDF report
Changes and corrections
- Fixed error refreshing content after deleting download task
- Fixed default layers coryright
- Fix in NVDB references that are shown with missing values
Release 1.5.1 (2023-01-27)
New functionalities
- New button to generate report in PDF format
- New button for release notes in top menu
- Added support for dynamic time maximum date in WMTS layers
Changes and corrections
- Fixed NVDB relationships created with wrong data or not created
- Fixed NVDB validation of changesets crashing the app, now errors are shown in NVDB panel
- Fixed drawing NVDB polygons in Street viewers
- Improvements to pin icon through URL
- Fix in Viewer name control
- Fixed LiDAR Layers only visible one at the time
- Fixed Point measurement shows wrong Z value in Profile 3D viewer
- Fixed Error when Modify Style Dialog opens for a tile layer
- Fixed Transparency property not appears in Modify Style Dialog for a tile layer
- Updated user manual
- Fixed: Attributes of a NVDB layer appear now with the alias in the Graduated mode of the Modify Style Dialog
Release 1.5.0 (2023-01-12)
New functionalities
- New viewer for managing vector layers as tables, the Table viewer
- Add layer, remove layer and style layer works the same as in any other viewer for new viewer
- Layer Switcher is in sync with tab panes in new viewer: when a layer is selected the table is shown; when a layer is moved up or down in layer list, tab panes move left or right to match the order
- New controls for new viewer: table sizer to limit numbers of rows, table navigator to move through rows, and table column settings to show or hide columns and reorder them.
- Sorting in tables is supported
- Filtering in layer also filters the table
- A special tab called Overview shown a statistics summary of loaded layers. Values shown are the number of features, the filter in use and values per each category if a categorized or graduated style is used
- The special Overview tab is also shown in toolbox so can be used on any of viewers, not only the Table viewers
- Features can be selected in the table clicking in rows, selecting only visible rows, or selecting everything
- When a selection changes in table the Feature Panel in toolbox shows features selected and edits can be done
- Edition of features is in sync with table: when a feature is changed, table is refreshed
Changes and corrections
- Fixed error moving a layer in Layer Switcher if no layer is selected
Release 1.4.9 (2022-12-20)
New functionalities
- New download tool for high resolution ortho and oblique images.
Changes and corrections
- Minor fix to avoid excess of requests to NVDB - Some FIXME tags in code with potential bugs
- Fixed: NVDB child features do not show correctly the attributes when selected as child objects in feature panel tree. - Improved: NVDB edition of point reference now allows copy reference from existing point
- Rebrand comments and company name appearances
Release 1.4.8 (2022-11-10)
New functionalities
- Added new setting to change visibility of projects extent in 3D viewer
- Added Z value when measuring point coordinates in 3D and Profile3D viewers
Changes and corrections
- Fixes screenshot tool
Release 1.4.7 (2022-11-07)
New functionalities
- Added support for TXT point files
- Added a new tool to save NVDB road references in point features
- New NVDB tool for split lines in a point (in 2D viewers only)
- Rework of NVDB tool for editing point references (in 2D viewers only)
- Rework of NVDB tool for editing line references (in 2D viewers only)
- Rework of tool for modifying geometry in horizontal plane to support any type of vector layer and viewers.
Changes and corrections
- Fixes to NVDB geometry editions
- Other bugfixes
Release 1.4.6 (2022-10-19)
Changes and corrections
- Rebranding from Terratec to Field Group logos and names.
Release 1.4.5 (2022-09-15)
Changes and corrections
- Fixed zoom to selected feature on 3D viewer.
- Update of 3D Extent for loading features.
Release 1.4.4 (2022-08-31)
Changes and corrections
- Fix load of shp with ZM coordinates and 32 characters on User Vector Layers
Release 1.4.3 (2022-08-22)
Changes and corrections
- Updated endpoints for NVDB requests. Now both NVDB testing and production services are supported. Mapspace debug API points to NVDB testing and Mapspace release API points to NVDB production.
- Use of NVDB permissions in Mapspace users to do correct requests to NVDB query services.
- Fixes to samples.
- Fixed oblique id parameter name on ExtractFullOblique service.
- Added DAObliqueImagePiece (old ExtractOblique Urbex service) to mapspace services.
- Fixed coordinates when reading shapefiles with ZM values
Release 1.4.2 (2022-07-21)
New functionalities
- Rename of Street viewer to 360 viewer (WEB)
- Default Workspaces
- Workspace generation tool
- Street controls to 360 control
- Dashboard 360 projects
- Updated Mapspace vector WFS services (street & Indoor)
- New Indoor layer in layer switcher (orange)
- New Indoor layer in new workspaces (default and new creation)
- Indoor layer with two point types: project (2d) and 360 images (3d)
- Update 360 viewer functionality
- New Indoor styling
- Open image according classification
- Update 360 Project list
- Name refactor (street to 360)
- Adding project, layer, date & levels info.
- Default categorization options:
- By Project
- By Layer
- By Date (Graduated)
- By Level
Changes and corrections
- Fixed use of default radius in size of points for annotations and measurements in Street
- Fix to validation function for geometries
- Fix in classification for 360 layers
Release 1.4.1 (2022-07-07)
New functionalities
- Classification by properties in vector layers:
- Added two new style modes to existing single style: categorized and graduated
- Define styling rules automatically, with a Classify button, or manually, adding and removing rules.
- Create graduated rules using several classification modes: Equal interval, Quantile (equal count), Natural Breaks (Jenks), Standard deviation, Pretty Breaks.
- Support for both string and numeric values when creating a graduated classification if numbers are detected.
- Apply a single style to all rules or selected ones.
- Apply a ramp color to all rules or selected ones, and with inverted colors.
- Switch to previous single style / classification without loosing previous options.
- Classifications are serialized in workspace.
- Classifications are available for any existing vector layers: local file layers, remote WFS layers, NVDB layers, and common Mapspace layers as annotations, measurements, Street/LiDAR/3DMesh projects layers.
- Integration of classification in viewers:
- If a layer is added to all other viewers any existing classification is cloned.
- Classification is shown in Layer Switcher as a tree view with options.
- Classification works in all the viewers: Global (Ortho or Oblique), Street, 3D and Profile3D.
- Classification for any vector layer can be edited at any time.
- Classes (rules) in classifications can be used to show / hide features in viewers, including labels associated to features.
- Custom styles for features are integrated with any existing classification.
- Hiding features through rule visibility remove them from selection.
- Classification options are mixed with customized functionality in some specific layers, as Street projects layer, or NVDB layers.
- NVDB roads layers now is drawn through a default classification that user can customize.
- NVDB classifications show the real names of attributes.
- Exporting now allows export of the full layer or any selected class (rule) if there is a classification.
- Avoid the use of non-visible Street images when a classification is created in the Street vector layer and some classes are hidden (for both 2D and Street viewers)
- Improved point height style in 3D viewers and Profile3D viewers using new raised height options.
- Improved measurements and annotations in Profile3D viewer, showing them in the correct plane when interacting, and fixing a bug when switching between orthographic and perspective views.
Changes and corrections
- Features selected which visibility depend on resolution now are remove from selection when not visibles.
- Features can be selected in Street viewers no matter if the are below or above shot point.
- Fixed error when switching to another workspace if Layer Switcher has something selected which index is above any existing layer in new opened workspace.
- Fixed diagonal measurements that do not show correctly the diagonal line in Obliques after reopening the workspace.
- Fixed showing a group in Layer Switcher and not triggering events to load features of vector sublayers.
- Fixed point height option in styling not working in 3D viewers.
- Fixed remote vector layers not downloading features in 3D or Profile 3D viewer first time added.
- Fixed zoom extent of vector layers in 3D or Profile3D viewer failing in some cases.
- Fixed Street viewers not supporting selection of multi-geom features.
- Improvement: Use export marked features as default in Export dialog.
- Fixed: Dates startdato and sluttdato appear as editable attributes in NVDB road lines.
- Fixed: 3D viewers are not using custom styles in features when rendering them for the first time.
Known issues
- When defining a classification automatically, only values in current downloaded features are used. For remote WFS layers that do not include all possible values in some cases.
Release 1.4.0 (2022-05-24)
New functionalities
- Formats:
- Added WFS Capabilities format
- Added OWS ExceptionReport format
- Exporting GeoJson with WGS84 Lat/Lon projection
- Dashboard:
- Cache of vector layers and groups
- Create layer group
- Remove layer group and subgroups or sublayers
- Rename layer group
- Upload layers & recursive system to update status (while vector layers list is opened)
- Filter
- Sorting
- Show icons and number of errors in groups
- Show error tooltip in layers with errors
- LayerSwitcher:
- Rework of LayerSwitcher to support groups of layers
- Add to all viewers of a layer group
- Zoom to layers inside groups
- Styling of layers inside groups
- Export layers inside groups
- Show error icon & tooltip in WFS layers that do not exist anymore and stop doing requests
- AddLayerDialog:
- Rework to extend capabilities through the use of controls called "selectors"
- Add any number of groups, subgroups and layers at once
- WMS/WMTS with credentials (http:user@pass:wms service)
- Viewers:
- Render layer groups and change visibility when group visibility change
- Save status of layer groups and persist in them
- Avoiding to see through the terrain on 3D viewer
Changes and corrections
- Removed Mesh3D layer for unauthorized users
- Street camera settings correction
Release 1.3.4 (2021-12-9)
Changes and corrections
- Fixed issue loading PointZM geometries
Release 1.3.3 (2021-12-2)
New functionalities
- Adding support for multiple projection systems on uploading vector layers.
- Updating NVDB panel with latest functionality
Changes and corrections
- Changes in cache do not let to edit anymore after sending & finalizing a changeset
- Wrong ID for new created features was used
- Objektid not saved in new created objects at finalize changeset
- Featureid was not saved and then objects cannot be continuously edit
Release 1.3.2 (2021-11-19)
Changes and corrections
- Fixed: Street viewer cache overload.
Release 1.3.1 (2021-11-15)
Changes and corrections
Fixed: Street stereo measurement error on points redefinition.
Updated timeout for downloading oblique image.
Release 1.3.0 (2021-11-04)
New functionalities
- Adding support for upload & consume user vector layers.
Changes and corrections
Fixed: Profile3D panel to fill correctly full height and give more room to profile list.
Fixed error in taking screenshot in 3D and profile3D viewers.
Updated html2canvas to latest stable version and stop using alpha version.
Release 1.2.0 (2021-10-25)
New functionalities
Added GPX format support for loading local files.
New Street Panel control that replaces Street Overview control for redefinition of measurements & annotations in Street viewers.
Changes and corrections
Fixing lookat camera for 3D view.
Bug fixed: Duplicated features in viewer. Local features was no deleted after save workspace.
Fixed: now polygons are serialized to WKT correctly to avoid errors when saving features in Field Group backup services
Added support for multiple attribute geometries that can be empty (no WKT value) or with a valid WKT depending on geometry type
Added support to create & modify any attribute with geometries through the revamped Edit geometry dialog
Added a new Geometry attribute property that can be used to define the attribute that represents the main geometry
Automatically set Geometry attribute property for objects that only can have one attribute with geometry
Show an error in features that are sent without defining the Geometry attribute
Fixed: now NVDB layers can be exported with current features loaded
When changing a feature the is current opened worklist, now it is refreshed in the list in NVDB panel
Fixed: now buttons in Worklists are hide correctly
Fixed: now when a feature is set to be edited in NVDB panel and no layer with that feature is visible, feature loads
Fixed: now counter of total feature number remove clusters from the count
Added support to create NVDB objects of type polygon in all viewers
Added support to create NVDB objects of type polylines in all viewers
Now features can be edited in 3D viewers
Sync changes in all viewers now take account of filters and if layers exist multiple times
Added support to deafult values when adding new attributes even for geometry attributes
Added support to Lukk & Fjern when deleting
Added an internal system for validating changesets using a JSON schema based on XML schema from NVDB
Added a selector for the date of the changes
Completely rework of the way relationships are rendered and edited
Adding a relation now allows to select between possible related object types and add layer if needed
Added Oppdater/Korriger support when sending changes. Now each attribute, or the relationsships, can be tagged with Oppdater/korriger
Release 1.1.1 (2021-07-19)
New functionalities
- New control in Profile 3d Viewer to change between orthographic and perspective view.
Changes and corrections
Annotations and measurements linked with right profile3d.
Screenshot with profile name and date.
Bold font on visible profile feature list.
Available profile feature list in Profile3d viewer.
Release 1.1.0 (2021-07-08)
New functionalities
New Profile 3d Viewer.
New Profile 3d layer & features.
New Profile 3d panel.
Changes and corrections
Fixed sytle by feature error.
Fixed oblique image load error.
Minor fixes.
NVDB updates:
Fixed: “Add feature to viewer & select” has been fixed.
Defined a NVDB changeset NVDB schema
Validation of changesets prior to validate or send using a JSON schema.
Rework of rendering of related features. Relations of a feature now show if they are a new relation (*) or a removed one (id strikethrough).
Add related NVDB layers of a given layer.
A message when trying to create relationship between objects of invalid types.
Fixed: when a feature is reset it does not disappear from viewer anymore.
Fixed: when a relationship is changed the feature is shown in viewer and Feature panel as modified (orange point) and reset button appears.
When creating a relationship all features in the point clicked are added to let add overlapping features (works in Global & Street, not 3D at the moment).
The order of types in the tree of relations is always set as ascending to maintain order between refreshes.
A feature marked to be removed cannot be modified: is ignored for the modify vertex tool, cannot add or remove relationships (either adding or removig) and attributes are read only.
Added startdato & sluttdato dates support.
Added support for NVDB Lukk & Fjern removal. A new Removal options dialog appears when deleting for Lukk and Fjern options. A new Removal option (Lukk or Fjern) and Removal date or lukkeddato (only used when Lukk) appears in the attributes of a removed feature for changing them anytime.
Changesets now are sent correctly for removals (Lukk or Fjern) to NVDB writing services.
Removal option and removal date are set by default to Lukk and current date for removals currently saved in our DDBB during login and then saved (only when features haven’t this values).
Added Korriger as an option when changing attributes.
Added Korriger as an option when changing relations.
Added Korriger as an option when changing geometries.
Release 1.0.10 (2021-06-02)
Changes and corrections
Styling by feature error.
3D Viewer cursor offset.
3D Viewer point elevation error.
Release 1.0.9 (2021-05-20)
New functionalities
Added Select by attributes button menu in Feature panel with:
Select by words
Select defining a query
Changes and corrections
Fix: Vector layers loaded from local files with points weren't drawing style correctly.
Improvement: AddLayerDialog now has a button to reset filename for local vector files to be able to clear and reload a modified file.
Fixing Oblique geo-reference based on TEG files.
Fixing Date Selector visiblity.
Fixing Date filter.
Fixing Download oblique image.
Updated URL Accesing:
Mandatory: workspace
Optional: x,y, SRS, orientation, rotation, zoom (1-6), srs, viewers, viewmode, userkey
Release 1.0.8 (2021-04-28)
Changes and corrections
Fix: oblique viewer: when an error happens in a transformPoints error is resolved correctly.
Fix: NVDB features duplicated when adding them to a work list.
Fix: NVDB features failing to be removed from a work list.
Fix: NVDB features not shown as modified in work lists.
Changed icon for swipe layer tool.
Changed name for contact section.
Changed style for active dashboard tabs.
Fix: Select by click now can select/unselect multiple features that are overlapped.
Fix: Removed a condition in Select by click that prevented from unselecting features.
Fix: Features & Attributes sections in Feature panel now stay collapsed/uncollapsed when an update is made in the control.
Release 1.0.7 (2021-04-21)
New functionalities
SidePanel that can contain multiple subpanels, add or remove panels on demand, and be resizable.
LayerPanel inside SidePanel comprising ViewerTools, LayerSwitcher and SynManager.
Viewer label with name now shows both the current interactive tool selected and a help popup when hovering.
New cursor icons when interactive tools are selected, and new hand cursor as default.
Added Visible data date & time option to snapshot options.
New ShortcutBar control with the tools shown as shortcuts by ViewerMenu and also shortcuts for measurements and annotations.
Added support form in Dashboard.
Added Quick Access Control.
Button in child objects that allow to add them to current viewer, select them, and set them as editable.
Snapping option to allow child objects to be modified in the geometry when the parent object is modified.
Geometry attributes are now visible in the list of attributes and can be edited through a new dialog.
NVDB Panel:
Write Service Dialog converted to new NVDB Panel inside the SidePanel, visible only for NVDB users.
Show existing worklists in the current workspace.
Create or remove worklists.
Open a show the list of features inside a worklist.
Add and remove features from any NVDB layer to the worklist, either modified or not.
button in features in a worklist to allow to add them to current viewer, select them and set them as editable.
Added a new filter in list of features to filter only unchanged ones.
Add and remove messages to a worklist.
New filter for worklist messages and error reports.
Changes and corrections
Versioning refactor to Mapsace 1.0.
Layer styles are cached in Annotations, Measurements, LiDAR Projects, 3D Projects & Panoramas layers, with performance benefits.
FeaturePanel converted to a new subpanel inside SidePanel.
FeaturePanel now contain Annotation & Measurement tools when layers are selected.
Created a cache of tool information for centralizing tool interactivity (Mapspace.ToolOptions).
Added help messages to all tools without them.
Help messages are now hidden inside ViewerTools.
Baselayers & Overlays options in Dashboard are now disabled in Street viewers.
Fixed a bug that prevented from saving options in Workspace Manager.
Fixed a bug in function that return Attributions in Global viewers.
Updated SidePanel to show only icons and tooltips in tabs.
Updated custom cursors in viewers with white fill and black outline.
Updated icon for NVDB tab.
Fixed error that prevented Global viewer to initialize using a saved oblique image.
Fixed error that crashes WorkspaceManager when returning info of Measurements if a diagonal length exists.
Fixed error that prevented measurements, annotations and other features to be rendered in oblique mode of Global viewers.
Fixed error that added some measurements in ortho mode that only should be visible in oblique mode.
Removed ViewerMenu.
Updated style for viewer name label when viewer is activated or deactivated.
Updated color of active viewer to show more clear which is current active viewer.
Fixed: workspace resizes when window resizes.
Fixed: SidePanel fills the window when window size is under a minimum size.
Fixed: Select All and Select Visible do not select NVDB feature clusters anymore, that cannot be used in Feature panel for now.
Removed Layers button from ShortcutBar.
Added new two buttons for measurement and annotations in ShortcutBar.
Fixed: Splitter do not allow Street viewer interactions.
Merging all type of layers in only one tab (Layers).
Top banner buttons are hidden if dashboard is opened.
Fixed: controls fade out when do a search with only one viewer visible.
Layer styles are cached in Road Objects & Roads layers, with performance benefits.
Road Objects & Roads Layers can be loaded at once on creation, if number of objects under 20K, sith performance benefits.
Added notifications of the start and end loading of all features at once on creation.
Now ID of Road Object type can be used to obtain a road object type in the dropdown of the Filter dialog.
Now ID of limit can be used to obtain a filter name in the dropdown of the Filter dialog.
Roads can be filtered in the Filter dialog.
Fix: selecting a child object in the tree of FeaturePanel do not show anymore the attributes as editable.
Child objects now be selected individually and show the attributes of only one child object at a time.
Object type descriptors now are cached for performance improvements.
Boundaries now are cached for performance improvements.
For NVDB users backup storage of features is cached on login, improving performance.
When a feature is modified it is added to cache for better performance.
Added Road ID and other attributes for roads when showing road attributes.
Fixed: moving a feature in a Street viewer looses selection of the feature.
Fixed: after creating a new feature the Create feature tool is no more unselected.
Fixed: when switching between ortho and oblique in Global viewers the Modify geometry tool is no more unselected or disabled.
Release 1.0.6 (2021-03-16)
Changes and corrections
Fix WMS Layer available CRS detection.
Fixed error to download files with special characters in user data.
Release 1.0.5 (2021-03-10)
Changes and corrections
- Fixing issue with WMTS overlay petition (removing baselayer).
Release 1.0.4 (2021-03-04)
Changes and corrections
Added double click to open a workspace.
Added info message when click in download files button.
Updated streetoverview control: size adjustment on redefine line and points, removing panorama centroids and change on delete point redefinition.
Adjustment on extrazoom levels on streetoverview to 2.
Release 1.0.3 (2021-02-17)
New functionalities
Added Mapspace Web Services documentation.
Added Topowebb (sweden) map provider.
Changes and corrections
Added time range slider in time range dialog.
Rework of viewer options in Dashboard for better addition of NVDB snapshot options.
New CheckList control added.
Adding NVDB support for snapshot options (date & time, road ref v.2, road ref v.3).
Fixed NVDB layers not adding to Oblique and Street viewers.
Fixed a problem with "tainted" canvases that occurred due to crossOrigin not been saved on serialization of OL tile layers. Fix also repairs viewers not saved correctly.
Fixed overlays layers in Global viewers now added using correct order definition.
Fixed Snapshot options for NVDB only appear for NVDB users.
Fixed addition of NVDB layer or any vector layer now added in right position on top of existing vector layers.
Added reference to Geocoding services.
Added SVG icons support to Street viewers drawn as 3D objects.
Added location icon to reverse geocoding/NVDB road dereferencing in Street viewers (same icon as in Global viewers) that re-locate on image change and draws on screenshots.
Added new Reverse geocoding option in Snapshot options.
Reverse geocoding icon changed in 3D viewer to the same as in Global/Street viewers.
Added a new function setCameraLookingPoint to 3D viewer to center in a point looking at it.
Added icon & address info when searching in Street & 3D viewers that allow to show coords in current output projection, copy search result and has close button.
Modified the Search popup in Global/ortho/oblique to follow new popup uniform system for Street & 3D.
Modified Search/Reverse geocoding info control to a more compact one.
Modified Copy button in info control to copy multiple lines to clipboard with the same content shown in the info.
Added current search info as screenshot option.
Added Street measurement without depth map.
Release 1.0.2 (2020-12-14)
Changes and corrections
Fixed swipe slider to support mobile devices.
Fixed FeaturePanel to be shown on top of viewer controls.
Added NVDB support for roads V2 and V3 at the same time.
Added roads references both as V2 and V3 in attributes of Street images.
Fixed examples to use correct JS and CSS files in debug mode.
Fixed an error that removed viewers from default workspaces in some cases.
Adding sub-layers support on WMS services.
Fixed NVDB layers not added to Global viewers in oblique mode.
Fixed sync between Global and Street to avoid a flickering effect when only synchronizing the FOV.
Fixed error in Reverse Geocoding both in NVDB and generic that do not show pin point when Global viewer switches between oblique and ortho modes.
Release 1.0.1 (2020-12-03)
Changes and corrections
Fixed swiping tool to resize correctly when the viewer resizes or it is activated. Added a fix in global viewer that prevented notification of activation of global viewers.
Fixed swiping tool to remove swiping when current swipe layer is removed.
Fixed a crossed reference in Mapspace.util.
Fixed NVDB writing of changeset to use enum value only when type of value is enumeration.
Added Copyright into dashboard.
Fix: Dashboard elements is cutted in the bottom in the mobile version.
Fixed attributions to avoid serialization of them and avoid XSS vulnerability problems with server.
Fix to hide API doc menus for non authorized users.
Release 1.0.0 (2020-11-24)
New functionalities
First release of Mapspace services.
Added depth map button to shortcut menu.
Added extent of LiDAR & 3D projects as a visual reference tied to layer visibility.
Added in 3D viewer a min distance for viewing LiDAR and 3D project extents.
Changes and corrections
Fix to bug that prevent exporting features when projection in workspace is saved as one different from basic ones.
Fixed bug in wellcomedialog.
Fixed error in workspace manager when translation was not found.
Fixed: Swipe slider to avoid seeing it at fading in controls.
Fixed: Street points disappear when selected.
Fixed: Switching between ortho and Oblique an error message appears saying there is no Oblique coverage.
Fixed: 3D viewer to add LiDAR & 3D projects that are visible in the view
Fixed: 3D viewer to maintain LiDAR & 3D projects when zooming out at any distance if they are visible.
Fixed: attributions in 3D viewer to show copyrights when LiDAR and 3D projects change.
Updated style
Changes some icons into dashboard.
Default LiDAR point size set to 3.
Point size can be changed in vector layers.
Changed in Street viewer the default pointsize style for Annotations & measurements.
Set google provider by default