
Dashboard is the main info and management point where users can view their profile info and manage workspaces.

Other useful information about the Dashboard:

To open the Dashboard:

  1. Click in the Dashboard button.

To close the Dashboard once it is opened:

  1. Click the Dashboard button again.

The Dashboard subsections are:

  1. User information with all the information related to the logged user.
  2. Workspaces with a workspace manager that lets to create, open and modify some settings of workspaces. A workspace is a definition that allows the user to set the desired viewers and save it for future reuse.
  3. User data section contains acces to Mapspace cloud (This section is only visible for Mapspace cloud users).
  4. Information contains access to this user manual and other documentation.
  5. Contact contains the form to send iquiries to Mapspace support.

User information

Users can view information about layers, projects and user settings.


Users can create, load or delete a workspace also can configurate workspace settings and view information about measurements and annotations.

User Data

Mapspace cloud users can download their data.


Users can view help manual, F.A.Q., info Api (if user have permissions), release notes and quick start guide.


This section contains a form to send inquiries to Field Group Sales support.