This is the main namespace of the Street module, that contains the
. This viewer shows
360 panoramic images captured with a car mounted rig and vector data overlapped
using a 3D viewer.
- Source:
- mapspace-street/bu.street.jsdoc
Type Definitions
Type of the street annotation (point, polyline, polygon, text) for street viewers.
Name Value Mapspace.street.AnnotationType.POINT Mapspace.AnnotationType.POINT, Mapspace.street.AnnotationType.POLYLINE Mapspace.AnnotationType.POLYLINE, Mapspace.street.AnnotationType.POLYGON Mapspace.AnnotationType.POLYGON, Mapspace.street.AnnotationType.TEXT Mapspace.AnnotationType.TEXT - Source:
- mapspace-street/enums.js
Camera parameters. x, y and z are normally 0,0,0 because the camera is set in the origin, but in certain cases as in an animation or movement effect, camera position can temporarily change.
- Source:
- mapspace-street/typedefs.js
Name Type Description yaw
number | undefined Angle in +Y axis with zero in -Z direction [PI,-PI].
number | undefined Angle in +X axis [PI/2,-PI/2].
number | undefined Angle in +Z axis. [PI/2,-PI/2]. It usually is zero.
number | undefined Angle of view in degrees. [0,360.0].
number | undefined X position of the camera in scene coordinates. Always meters.
number | undefined Y position of the camera in scene coordinates. Always meters.
number | undefined Z position of the camera in scene coordinates. Always meters.
Type of events for debugging.
Name Value Description Mapspace.street.DebugEventType.DEBUGMESSAGECHANGED debugmessagechanged The debug message has changed - Source:
- mapspace-street/enums.js
Type of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.street.ImagesManagerEventType.IMAGEADDED imageadded Triggered when a new Image is loaded - Source:
- mapspace-street/enums.js
Level properties.
- Source:
- mapspace-street/typedefs.js
Name Type Description index
number zoom level index
number Size in pixels of each full image. For a cube panorama is the full size of each of six images that comprises the cube.
number Size of tiles.
number size / tileSize. Always an integer value.
Type of the street measurement (point, segment length, length, elevation, vertical area) for street viewers.
Name Value Mapspace.street.MeasurementType.POINT Mapspace.MeasurementType.POINT Mapspace.street.MeasurementType.LENGTH Mapspace.MeasurementType.LENGTH Mapspace.street.MeasurementType.POLYLENGTH Mapspace.MeasurementType.POLYLENGTH Mapspace.street.MeasurementType.ELEVATION Mapspace.MeasurementType.ELEVATION Mapspace.street.MeasurementType.AREA Mapspace.MeasurementType.AREA Mapspace.street.MeasurementType.VERTICAL_AREA Mapspace.MeasurementType.VERTICAL_AREA Mapspace.street.MeasurementType.HEIGHT Mapspace.MeasurementType.HEIGHT - Source:
- mapspace-street/enums.js
- Source:
- mapspace-street/typedefs.js
Name Type Description x
number X coordinate of the tile. Tiles start in zero and ranges from upper left corner tile to bottom right corner tile with X and Y increasing in that direction.
number Y coordinate of the tile. Tiles start in zero and ranges from upper left corner tile to bottom right corner tile with X and Y increasing in that direction.
number Z coordinate of the tile representing the zoom level. The first level is zero and is the one with the minimum number of tiles for each cubic face in the cubemap, usually only one tile.
string Tile face (b, d, f, l, r, u). Back, Down, Front, Left, Right or Up.
Type of transformation between street coordinates and world coordinates.
Name Value Description Mapspace.street.TransformType.TOSTREET2D WTS2D Transformation from world 2D coordinates to pixel street image coordinates. Mapspace.street.TransformType.TOSTREET3D WTS3D Transformation from world 3D coordinates to pixel street image coordinates. Mapspace.street.TransformType.TOWORLD STW Transformation from pixel street image coordinates at a given distance to world coordinates. Mapspace.street.TransformType.TOWORLDDEPTHMAP STWDM Transformation from pixel street image coordinates to world coordinates using a depth map - Source:
- mapspace-street/enums.js
Type of events of a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.street.ViewerEventType.IMAGEIDCHANGED change:imageid The image id has changed. Mapspace.street.ViewerEventType.ROLLCHANGED change:roll The roll has changed. Mapspace.street.ViewerEventType.PITCHCHANGED change:pitch The pitch has changed. Mapspace.street.ViewerEventType.YAWCHANGED change:yaw The yaw has changed. Mapspace.street.ViewerEventType.FOVCHANGED change:fov The FOV has changed. Mapspace.street.ViewerEventType.BRIGHTNESSCHANGED change:brightness The brightness has changed. Mapspace.street.ViewerEventType.CONTRASTCHANGED change:contrast The contrast has changed. Mapspace.street.ViewerEventType.LAYERCHANGED change:layer The street layer has changed. Mapspace.street.ViewerEventType.MAXDISTANCECHANGED change:maxdistance The maximum distance has changed. Mapspace.street.ViewerEventType.USEDEPTHMAPMCHANGED change:usedepthmapm The use of depth map in measurements has changed. Mapspace.street.ViewerEventType.USEDEPTHMAPACHANGED change:usedepthmapa The use of depth map in annotations has changed. Mapspace.street.ViewerEventType.CUBICPANORAMAADDED cubicpanoramaadded Triggered when a new cubic panorama is added to the scene Mapspace.street.ViewerEventType.IMAGEOPENED imageopened When a street image finishes the opening Mapspace.street.ViewerEventType.DEPTHMAPCHANGED depthmapchanged The depth map visibility has changed - Source:
- mapspace-street/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace-street/typedefs.js
Name Type Description name
string | undefined The name of the viewer.
Element | string | undefined The DOM target element where this viewer will be appended.
string | undefined The viewer output projection. The 'EPSG:code' string with the projection to use in any control linked to this viewer when showing coordinates.
boolean | undefined If activate the debug mode or not. By default is false. This mode is only active when Mapspace.DEBUG global variable is set to true and the user has the required permissions. The mode shows several extra information on top of existing layers and offer a debug panel.
boolean | undefined If activate a debug grid or not. Bay default is false. This mode is only active when Mapspace.DEBUG global variable is set to true and the user has the required permissions. If debugmode is set to false then this mode is ignored. The mode shows the grid of tiles with IDs for the main tile layer.
string | undefined Time filter of the viewer. Valid time values are any string with pattern YYYYMMDD or with pattern YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD. First filters images before the date, and second filters images between the dates.
string | undefined Filter for sets of images when requesting for panoramas.
string | undefined Image ID to open on start.
Mapspace.Coordinate | undefined Center to use on start. If both a center and an iamgeid are provided, then the center will be used.
number | undefined Resolution on start.
number | undefined FOV on start.
number | undefined Pitch on start.
number | undefined Yaw on start.
number | undefined Roll on start. See
number | undefined Time in milliseconds to wait to start an autorotateTimeout movement if no other movement has been set. If not value then never autorotates.
number | undefined Brightness on start.
number | undefined Contrasst on start.
boolean | undefined If true a grid of tiles and Tile IDs is drawn for debugging purposes.
number | undefined Number of zoom levels to add to existing zoom levels defined in any panorama. In the new zoom levels the tiles will be rescaled.
number | undefined Maximum number of zoom levels. Zoom levels defined in any panorama will be redefined to have this number. If this number is greater than the size of the last zoom level defined in the panorama metadata, then the tiles will be shown rescaled. If defined, this property overshadows extraZoomLevels.
Object | undefined an object with same structure the one Collection.registerDefaultInteractions returns. An object with interaction id as properties and interaction as values.
number | undefined The size in meters of the cube that shows the panorama. Anything outside this cube will be occluded by it and will not be rendered.
number | undefined Time in milliseconds that panoramas transition from one to next.
Array.<ol.layer.Base> | ol.Collection.<ol.layer.Base> | ol.layer.Group | undefined Layers. If this is not defined, a map with no layers will be rendered. Note that layers are rendered in the order supplied, so if you want, for example, a vector layer to appear on top of a tile layer, it must come after the tile layer.
boolean | undefined If this viewer should ensure that certain layers are added, as the measurements and annotations layer.
Mapspace.control.RotatorType | undefined The type of rotator control that must be used as default when a workspace is deserialized. By deafult is Mapspace.control.RotatorType.ROTATOR.
boolean | undefined If add a pin icon in the center of the viewer when viewer is loaded first time. By default is false.
boolean | string | undefined If show a pin icon and a label in the center of the viewer when viewer is loaded first time. By default is false. If it is true then executes a reverse geocoding in the location and label is the address found. If it is a string then no reverse geocoding is executed and the label is the string.
Properties of a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.street.ViewerProperty.IMAGEID imageid Name of the street image loaded. Mapspace.street.ViewerProperty.ROLL roll Roll. Mapspace.street.ViewerProperty.PITCH pitch Pitch. Mapspace.street.ViewerProperty.YAW yaw Yaw. Mapspace.street.ViewerProperty.FOV fov Fiel of vision. Mapspace.street.ViewerProperty.BRIGHTNESS brightness Brightness. Mapspace.street.ViewerProperty.CONTRAST contrast Contrast. Mapspace.street.ViewerProperty.LAYER layer Layer is a property that defines sets of data. Mapspace.street.ViewerProperty.MAXDISTANCE maxdistance Maximum distance for requesting vector data Mapspace.street.ViewerProperty.USEDEPTHMAPM usedepthmapm If the measurements must use the depth map or not Mapspace.street.ViewerProperty.USEDEPTHMAPA usedepthmapa If the annotations must use the depth map or not - Source:
- mapspace-street/enums.js