Namespace: oblique

Mapspace. oblique

This is the main namespace of the Oblique module, that contains the Mapspace.oblique.Viewer class. This viewer shows oblique imagery. This is a special type of imagery that is captured with a some pitch angle in the plane so it is not possible to seam images without introducing distorsions. The viewer for that reason shows one image at a time, jumping from one image to another as the user reaches the edge.






Type Definitions


Types of actions that result in the application of new options in the viewer.

Name Value
Mapspace.oblique.ActionType.INITIALIZE initialize
Mapspace.oblique.ActionType.ORTHOINTERACTED orthointeracted
Mapspace.oblique.ActionType.OBLIQUEINTERACTED obliqueinteracted
Mapspace.oblique.ActionType.SYNC sync'


Name of WMTS baselayers. This names match WMTS GetCapabilities names and must not change or some actions will not work properly. The layer with oblique images is expected to have somoe properties that seamless oblique layers do not have.

Name Value
Mapspace.oblique.BaseLayer.NORTH Mapspace:NORTH
Mapspace.oblique.BaseLayer.SOUTH Mapspace:SOUTH
Mapspace.oblique.BaseLayer.EAST Mapspace:EAST
Mapspace.oblique.BaseLayer.WEST Mapspace:WEST


Type of events for a Mapspace.oblique.Image.

Name Value Description
Mapspace.oblique.ImageEventType.GRIDLOADED gridloaded Triggered when an image loads its direct transformation grid.
Mapspace.oblique.ImageEventType.INVERSEGRIDLOADED inversegridloaded Triggered when an image loads its inverse transformation grid.


Type of events for a Mapspace.oblique.ImagesManager.

Name Value Description
Mapspace.oblique.ImagesManagerEventType.IMAGEADDED imageadded Triggered when a new Image is loaded


Type of the oblique measurement (point, length, polylength, ground elevation, ground length, area, height, vertical area, bearing, diagonal length) for oblique viewers.

Name Value
Mapspace.oblique.MeasurementType.POINT Mapspace.MeasurementType.POINT
Mapspace.oblique.MeasurementType.LENGTH Mapspace.MeasurementType.LENGTH
Mapspace.oblique.MeasurementType.POLYLENGTH Mapspace.MeasurementType.POLYLENGTH
Mapspace.oblique.MeasurementType.GROUND_POLYLENGTH Mapspace.MeasurementType.GROUND_POLYLENGTH
Mapspace.oblique.MeasurementType.ELEVATION Mapspace.MeasurementType.ELEVATION
Mapspace.oblique.MeasurementType.AREA Mapspace.MeasurementType.AREA
Mapspace.oblique.MeasurementType.HEIGHT Mapspace.MeasurementType.HEIGHT
Mapspace.oblique.MeasurementType.VERTICAL_AREA Mapspace.MeasurementType.VERTICAL_AREA
Mapspace.oblique.MeasurementType.BEARING Mapspace.MeasurementType.BEARING
Mapspace.oblique.MeasurementType.DIAGONAL_LENGTH Mapspace.MeasurementType.DIAGONAL_LENGTH


Orientation of the oblique image.

Name Value
Mapspace.oblique.Orientation.NORTH N
Mapspace.oblique.Orientation.SOUTH S
Mapspace.oblique.Orientation.EAST E
Mapspace.oblique.Orientation.WEST W


Type of transformation in oblique.

Name Value Description
* TOOBLIQUE WTO From world coordinates to oblique coordinates
* TOWORLD OTW From oblique coordinates to world coordinates


Type of events for a Mapspace.oblique.Viewer.

Name Value Description
Mapspace.oblique.ViewerEventType.IMAGEIDCHANGED change:imageid The image id has changed. Note that this do not mean that the image object has changed.
Mapspace.oblique.ViewerEventType.IMAGEOPENED imageopened When a oblique image finishes the opening
Mapspace.oblique.ViewerEventType.USERLAYERCHANGED change:userlayer The user layer has changed.


Name Type Description
name string | undefined

The name of the viewer.

target Element | string | undefined

The DOM target element where this viewer will be appended.

outputprojection string | undefined

The viewer output projection. The 'EPSG:code' string with the projection to use in any control linked to this viewer when showing coordinates.

debugmode boolean | undefined

If activate the debug mode or not. By default is false. This mode is only active when Mapspace.DEBUG global variable is set to true and the user has the required permissions. The mode shows several extra information on top of existing layers and offer a debug panel.

debuggrid boolean | undefined

If activate a debug grid or not. Bay default is false. This mode is only active when Mapspace.DEBUG global variable is set to true and the user has the required permissions. If debugmode is set to false then this mode is ignored. The mode shows the grid of tiles with IDs for the main tile layer.

time string | undefined

Time filter of the viewer. Valid time values are any string with pattern YYYYMMDD or with pattern YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD. First filters images before the date, and second filters images between the dates.

imageid string | undefined

Image ID to open on start.

pixelCenter Mapspace.Coordinate | undefined

Center in pixels. Only used if imageid is set, if not it is ignored. You must ensure that center matches the world coordinates for this pixel and that it is correctly set or initialization of the viewer will produce wrong results.

center Mapspace.Coordinate | undefined

Center to use on start. If both a center and an imageid are provided, then the center will be used.

resolution number | undefined

Resolution on start.

rotation number | undefined

Rotation on start.

layers Array.<ol.layer.Base> | ol.Collection.<ol.layer.Base> | ol.layer.Group | undefined

Layers. If this is not defined, a viewer with no layers will be rendered. Note that layers are rendered in the order supplied, so if you want, for example, a vector layer to appear on top of a tile layer, it must come after the tile layer.

usePanoramas boolean | undefined

If use a panoramas vector layer to show clickable position of panoramas.

extraZoomLevels boolean | undefined

Number of extra zoom levels.

keyboardEventTarget Element | undefined

The element to listen to keyboard events on. This determines when the KeyboardPan and KeyboardZoom interactions trigger. If this option is not specified, the element the library listens to keyboard events on is the viewer viewport (the div that contains the viewer). If it is specified the element needs to be focused for key events to be emitted, requiring that the element has a tabindex attribute.

enforceLayers boolean | undefined

If this viewer should ensure that certain layers are added, as the measurements and annotations layer. When this viewer is inside a enforceLayers is set to false and the enforcement is carried out by the global viewer.

isInsideGlobal boolean | undefined

If this viewer is inside a or not. Default is false.

rotatorType Mapspace.control.RotatorType | undefined

The type of rotator control that must be used as default when a workspace is deserialized. By deafult is Mapspace.control.RotatorType.ROTATOR.

pin boolean | undefined

If add a pin icon in the center of the viewer when viewer is loaded first time. By default is false.

label boolean | string | undefined

If show a pin icon and a label in the center of the viewer when viewer is loaded first time. By default is false. If it is true then executes a reverse geocoding in the location and label is the address found. If it is a string then no reverse geocoding is executed and the label is the string.



Properties of a Mapspace.oblique.Viewer.

Name Value
Mapspace.oblique.ViewerProperty.IMAGEID imageid