Namespace: source

Mapspace.nvdb. source

This is the namespace that contains specific NVDB sources.




Type Definitions


Types of events for a Mapspace.nvdb.source.Vector.

Name Value Description
Mapspace.nvdb.source.VectorEventType.DESCRIPTORDOWNLOADED descriptordownloaded Triggered when the NVDB object type descriptor of the source is downloaded.


Name Type Description
attributions ol.AttributionLike | undefined


features Array.<ol.Feature> | ol.Collection.<ol.Feature> | undefined

Features. If provided as ol.Collection, the features in the source and the collection will stay in sync.

logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined


overlaps boolean | undefined

This source may have overlapping geometries. Default is true. Setting this to false (e.g. for sources with polygons that represent administrative boundaries or TopoJSON sources) allows the renderer to optimise fill and stroke operations.

useSpatialIndex boolean | undefined

By default, an RTree is used as spatial index. When features are removed and added frequently, and the total number of features is low, setting this to false may improve performance. Note that ol.source.Vector#getFeaturesInExtent, ol.source.Vector#getClosestFeatureToCoordinate and ol.source.Vector#getExtent cannot be used when useSpatialIndex is set to false, and ol.source.Vector#forEachFeatureInExtent will loop through all features. When set to false, the features will be maintained in an ol.Collection, which can be retrieved through ol.source.Vector#getFeaturesCollection. The default is true.

wrapX boolean | undefined

Wrap the world horizontally. Default is true. For vector editing across the -180° and 180° meridians to work properly, this should be set to false. The resulting geometry coordinates will then exceed the world bounds.

featureTypes Array.<string>

An array defining what feature types are available.

viewTypeOptions Object.<string, Object>

The options to apply to each type of viewer. This must be an object with Mapspace.ViewType as keys and objects as values. Each object must have one featureTypesForResolutions property with a Mapspace.FeatureTypeResolution and one loadingStrategy property with a ol.LoadingStrategy.

servicesOptions Mapspace.nvdb.ServicesOptions | undefined

The object that describes the options to use when requesting data to the NVDB services.

loadAtOnce boolean | undefined

If features must be loaded all in the first load or not. By default is false.
