Namespace: services

Mapspace. services

This namespace contains function helpers that execute requests to Mapspace web services.



<static> checkSession(load, error)

Execute a request to the CheckSession service, returning true if current user is valid.

Name Type Description
load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> deleteAllExternalProviderTmpBackup(load, error)

Execute a request to the DeleteAllExternalProviderTmpBackup service to delete all the features for any external provider stored in Terratec storage services.

Name Type Description
load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> deleteUserWorkspace(name, load, error)

Executes a request to the DeleteUserWorkspace service, removing a workspace in the server.

Name Type Description
name string

The name of the workspace to remove.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getCustomLayers(load, error)

Execute a request to the GetCustomLayers, returning the list of custom layers for a user.

Name Type Description
load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getDefaultUserWorkspaces(load, error)

Execute a request to the GetDefaultUserWorkspaces service, returning a JSON object that has a data value containing an array of objects representing workspace definitions with the default workspaces for the user.

Name Type Description
load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getExternalProviderStats(provider, status, action, time, load, error)

Execute a request to the GetExternalProviderStats service to query historical statistical data.

Name Type Argument Description
provider Mapspace.FeatureProviderStore

Provider name.

status Mapspace.FeatureProviderStatus <nullable>

Optional status of the feature in the server.

action Mapspace.FeatureServerActionType <nullable>

Optional type of action performed in the original feature.

time numbner <nullable>

Optional time filter of the image to be search. A date following the structure YYYYMMDD or YYYYMM or YYYY. The service will retrieve the most current features available, whose date is previous to the requested date. It is also possible to use a range of dates with the structure YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD, in this case the features used will be the most current ones available in the specified date range. If the parameter is omitted the system will retrieve all features.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getExternalProviderTmpBackup(provider, status, ids, bbox, load, error)

Execute a request to the GetExternalProviderTmpBackup service to retrieve all the features for a given external provider stored in Terratec storage services.

Name Type Argument Description
provider Mapspace.FeatureProviderStore

Provider name.

status Mapspace.FeatureProviderStatus | Array.<Mapspace.FeatureProviderStatus> <nullable>

Optional status. Can be one value or an array of values.

ids Array.<string> <nullable>

Optional array of IDs to filter the result.

bbox Mapspace.Extent <nullable>

Optional bounding box in EPSG:4326 projection system.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getGenericWMTSOrWMSCapabilities(url, isWMS, load, error)

Execute a request to any WMS/WMTS GetCapabilities service.

Name Type Description
url string

URL of the WMS/WMTS service.

isWMS boolean

If the service is WMS or WMTS.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getLayouts(load, error)

Execute a request to the GetLayouts service, returning Mapspace Viewer layout for certain user.

Name Type Description
load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getMapspaceWFSCapabilities(load, error)

Execute a request to the Mapspace WFS (INWFSPROXY) service.

Name Type Description
load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getMapspaceWMTSCapabilities(version, load, error)

Execute a request to the Mapspace WMTS (DAWMTS) service.

Name Type Description
version string

Version of the WMTS service.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getPOIProviders(format, load, error)

Execute a request to the GetPOIProviders service, returning the available POIs providers for certain user.

Name Type Description
format Mapspace.ResponseFormat

Format of the response.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getReverseGeocoding(point, zoom_level, srs, format, load, error)

Execute a request to the SEInvAddress service, returning the address for a given point defined by its coordinates.

Name Type Description
point Mapspace.Coordinate

Point in which search for reverse geocoding.

zoom_level number

Map view zoom level.

srs string

Spatial Reference System of the origin projection in EPSG:XXXX format.

format Mapspace.ResponseFormat

Format of the response.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getSRSInfo(epsg, format, load, error)

Execute a request to the INGetSRS service returning the projection information for a given EPSG code.

Name Type Description
epsg string

This is the EPSG code used to search by code. The value must be only the number without prefixing with 'EPSG:'.

format Mapspace.ResponseFormat

Format used in the response.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getSRSInfoList(name, format, load, error)

Execute a request to the INGetSRS service searching the available projections that matches a given name.

Name Type Description
name string

This is the string used to search projection by name.

format Mapspace.ResponseFormat

Format used in the response.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getTeg(tegid, id, load, error)

Execute a request to the INGetTeg service, returning the requested Teg file.

Name Type Description
tegid string

Teg identifier

id string

Tile quadtree identifier

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserAvailableBaselayers(format, priority, load, error)

Execute a request to the INUserOrthoLayers service, returning all available baselayers for a certain user.

Name Type Description
format Mapspace.ResponseFormat

Format used in the response.

priority boolean

If true that indicates that response must respect current user baselayers with order. False must return all available baselayers for all users.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserAvailableData(user, format, x, y, zoom_level, srs, types, yearMode, deliverExtents, includeOverlays, load, error)

Execute a request to the GetUserAvailableData service, returning a list of available ortho layers for a user.

Name Type Description
user string

Userkey of the user to request information for.

format Mapspace.ResponseFormatExtended

Format used in the response.

x number

X coordinate in the srs reference system.

y number

Y coordinate in the srs reference system.

zoom_level number

Zoom level.

srs string

Spatial Reference System of the origin projection in EPSG:XXXX format.

types Mapspace.BaselayerType

Indicates if request is for ortho or oblique.

yearMode boolean

Indicates if year is requested.

deliverExtents boolean

Indicates if extents are requested.

includeOverlays boolean

Indicates if overlays are requested.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserAvailableDtm3DLayers(format, load, error)

Execute a request to the INGetUserAvailableDtm3DLayers service, returning a list of available DTM 3D layers for a user.

Name Type Description
format Mapspace.ResponseFormatExtended

Format used in the response.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserAvailableLidarLayers(format, load, error)

Execute a request to the INGetUserAvailableLidarLayers service, returning a list of available LiDAR layers for a user.

Name Type Description
format Mapspace.ResponseFormatExtended

Format used in the response.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserAvailableMesh3DLayers(format, load, error)

Execute a request to the INGetUserAvailable3DMeshLayers service, returning a list of available 3D MEsh layers for a user.

Name Type Description
format Mapspace.ResponseFormatExtended

Format used in the response.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserAvailableObliqueLayers(format, priority, load, error)

Execute a request to the INGetUserAvailableObliqueLayers service, returning all available oblique layers for a certain user.

Name Type Description
format Mapspace.ResponseFormat

Format used in the response.

priority boolean

If true that indicates that response must respect current user oblique layers with order. False must return all available oblique layers for all users.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserAvailableOverlays(format, load, error)

Execute a request to the INUserOverlayLayers service, returning all available overlays for a certain user.

Name Type Description
format Mapspace.ResponseFormat

Format used in the response.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserAvailableProviders(format, load, error)

Execute a request to the INUserAddressSources, returning all available external providers for a certain user. It will deliver information about external providers and services of those external providers allowed to the user.

Name Type Description
format Mapspace.ResponseFormatExtended

Format used in the response.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserAvailableStreetLayers(priority, format, load, error)

Execute a request to the INGetUserAvailableStreetLayers, returning all available street layers for a certain user.

Name Type Description
priority boolean

If priority is true indicates that response must respect current user baselayers with order.

format Mapspace.ResponseFormatExtended

Format used in the response.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserAvailableVectorLayers(format, load, error)

Execute a request to the INGetUserAvailableVectorLayers service, returning a list of available vector layers for a user. This service returns the same array of WFS feature type names that the getMapspaceWFSCapabilities function returns.

Name Type Description
format Mapspace.ResponseFormatExtended

Format used in the response.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserLayers(format, load, error)

Execute a request to the GetUserLayers service returning a list of the available User layers for a user. A User layer is an object that contain all necessary information to access a given dataset according to layer (base layer, overlay layer, oblique layer or street layer), date interval (data available between dates) and extent (extension available for a dataset).

Name Type Description
format Mapspace.ResponseFormatExtended

Format used in the response.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserLayersFormatList(format, load, error)

Execute a request to the GetUserLayersFormatList service, returning the list of the id and format type for userLayers.

Name Type Description
format Mapspace.ResponseFormatExtended

Format used in the response.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserLidarProjects(format, load, error)

Execute a request to the 'INGetUserLidarProjects' service, returning a JSON object that has a list of LiDAR projects.

Name Type Description
format Mapspace.ResponseFormat

Format of the response.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


Execute a request to the GetUserLogo service, returning client logo image.

Name Type Description
load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserMesh3DProjects(format, load, error)

Execute a request to the 'INGetUserMesh3DProjects' service, returning a JSON object that has a list of Mesh3D projects.

Name Type Description
format Mapspace.ResponseFormat

Format of the response.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserProfileInfo(profileId, extentId, load, error)

Execute a request to the 'GetUserProfileInfo' service, returning a JSON object that has a 'data' value containing diferent values depending on request parameters. Without parameters, the service returns information about diferent types of profiles. If profileId is used the service returns information about this profile type. If extentId is used the service returns the extent.

Name Type Description
profileId number | null

Id of the profile.

extentId number | null

Id of the extent.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserStreetProjects(format, load, error)

Execute a request to the 'INGetUserStreetProjects' service, returning a JSON object that has a list of Street projects.

Name Type Description
format Mapspace.ResponseFormat

Format of the response.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserWorkspaceByUserAndName(name, load, error)

Executes a request to the GetUserWorkspaceByUserAndName service, returning a JSON object that has a data value containing an object representing the definition of a given workspace. The object has a description value with the description of the workspace and a definition value with the definition of that workspace.

Name Type Description
name string

The name of the workspace to search for.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserWorkspaceLog(name, load, error)

Executes a requesto to the 'GetUserWorkspaceLog' service, returning a JSON objecto that has data about workspace actions.

Name Type Description
name string

Name of the workspace to request actions for.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> getUserWorkspacesNames(load, error)

Executes a request to the GetUserWorkspacesNames service, returning a JSON object that has a data value containing an array of objects representing workspaces availables for the user. Each object has a name value with the name of the workspace and a last_modification value with the date and time of last modification of that workspace.

Name Type Description
load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> insertUserWorkspace(name, description, definition, load, error)

Executes a request to the InsertUserWorkspace service, inserting a workspace in the server.

Name Type Description
name string

The name of the workspace to insert.

description string

A description for the workspace.

definition string

A string version of a JSON object with the definition of the workspace.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> insertUserWorkspaceLog(name, actionId, load, error)

Executes a requesto to the 'InsertUserWorkspaceLog' service, returning a JSON objecto that has data about workspace actions.

Name Type Description
name string

Name of the workspace to request actions for.

actionId string

ID of the action.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> login(user, pwd, userkey, load, error)

Execute a request to the Login service.

Name Type Description
user string

User name.

pwd string

Password. User name and password are encripted previously to send the data.

userkey string

userkey. If present then user and pwd are ignored and the userkey is used instead as the only param to login.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> logout(load, error)

Execute a request to the Logout service.

Name Type Description
load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> projectCoordinates(format, points, srs1, srs2, load, error)

Execute a request to the ProjectCoordinates service, transforming a list of 2D coordinates from one projection system to another one.

Name Type Description
format Mapspace.ResponseFormat

Format used in the response.

points Array.<number>

Array of coordinates to transform. The number of coordinates must be an even number. Odd numbers represent X coodinates and even coordinates represent Y coordinates.

srs1 string

Spatial Reference System of the origin projection in EPSG:XXXX format.

srs2 string

Spatial Reference System of the target projection in EPSG:XXXX format.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> resetPassword(user, pwd, newpwd, userkey, load, error)

Execute a request to the reset password service.

Name Type Description
user string

User name.

pwd string

Curent pnpassword.

newpwd string

New password.

userkey string


load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> saveExternalProviderTmpBackup(provider, status, action, featureid, geometry, featureInfo, load, error)

Execute a request to the SaveExternalProviderTmpBackup service, saving a feature in Terratec storage services.

Name Type Argument Description
provider Mapspace.FeatureProviderStore

Provider name.

status Mapspace.FeatureProviderStatus

Status o the feature in the server.

action Mapspace.FeatureServerActionType

Type of action performed in the original feature.

featureid string <nullable>

Id of the original feature or an empty string for new feature.

geometry string

A WKT serialization of the geometry of the feature with coordinates in WGS84 lonlat.

featureInfo string

A JSON serialization of the feature in Mapspace JSON format.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> sendRequest(url, method, load, error, mimetype, responseType)

ServiceRequest: This is the generic service launcher.

Name Type Argument Description
url function

URL to be launched.

method string

Http method to be used, (GET or POST).

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.

mimetype string <nullable>

An optional MIME type to override the default text/xml type.

responseType string <nullable>

An optional string with the type of data contained in the response, to override the default text value.


<static> sendRequestWithAuthentication(url, method, load, error, mimetype, responseType, user_value, pass_value)

ServiceRequest: This is the generic service launcher.

Name Type Argument Description
url function

URL to be launched.

method string

Http method to be used, (GET or POST).

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.

mimetype string <nullable>

An optional MIME type to override the default text/xml type.

responseType string <nullable>

An optional string with the type of data contained in the response, to override the default text value.

user_value string <nullable>

An optional string with the user value for basic authentication request.

pass_value string <nullable>

An optional string with the password value for basic authentication request.


<static> sendSupportForm(name, email, phone, message, load, error)

Execute a request to the send message to Mapspace support service.

Name Type Description
name string

User name.

email string

User email

phone string

User phone number

message string

User message

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> setUserPreferences(load, error)

Execute a request to the SetUserPreferences service.

Name Type Description
load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> updateExternalProviderTmpBackup(id, status, action, featureid, geometry, featureinfo, load, error)

Execute a request to the UpdateExternalProviderTmpBackup service to update a feature in Terratec storage services.

Name Type Argument Description
id string

Id of the feature in Terratec storage services.

status Mapspace.FeatureProviderStatus <nullable>

Optional status of the feature in the server.

action Mapspace.FeatureServerActionType <nullable>

Optional type of action performed in the original feature.

featureid string <nullable>

Id of the original feature or an empty string for new feature.

geometry string <nullable>

Optional WKT serialization of the geometry of the feature with coordinates in WGS84 lonlat.

featureinfo string <nullable>

Optional JSON serialization of the feature in Mapspace JSON format.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.


<static> updateUserWorkspace(name, description, definition, newname, load, error)

Executes a request to the UpdateUserWorkspace service, updating a workspace in the server.

Name Type Argument Description
name string

The name of the workspace to update.

description string

A description for the workspace.

definition string

A string version of a JSON object with the definition of the workspace.

newname string <nullable>

An optional new name for the workspace. If present then the workspace is renamed when updated.

load function

Function to execute if response is loaded.

error function

Function to execute if response has an error.
