This namespace contains definitions for controls. A control is just a user
interface object that is added to the DOM and triggers events, but has no code
in response to that events. As in popular development frameworks as JDK or
.NET, controls here are just visual elements that produce events. The code
needed to respond to that events should be outside the controls, in
or in external handlers to the given events.
- Source:
- mapspace/controls/control.jsdoc
- AddLayerDialog
- AddLayerDialogEvent
- AddressInfo
- AnnotationsEditor
- Attribution
- BaselayerTypeSwitcher
- BaselayerTypeSwitcherEvent
- Button
- CheckList
- CheckListEvent
- ColorPicker
- ContactForm
- Control
- Dashboard
- DashboardEvent
- DateSelector
- DateSelectorEvent
- DefaultRotator
- Dropdown
- DropdownEvent
- ExportDialog
- ExportDialogEvent
- FeatureEditor
- FeatureManagerDialog
- FeatureManagerDialogEvent
- FeaturePanel
- FeaturePanelEvent
- FilterDialog
- FilterDialogEvent
- FilterEditor
- FindObliquesDialog
- FindObliquesDialogEvent
- Footer
- GeolocationEvent
- ImageProviderDialog
- ImportDialog
- ImportDialogEvent
- Label
- LayerPanel
- LayerSelector
- LayerSwitcher
- LayerSwitcherAddEvent
- LayerSwitcherEvent
- LayerUserRasterSelector
- LayerUserVectorSelector
- LayerVectorSelector
- LayerWebSelector
- LiDARSettingsDialog
- LiDARSettingsDialogEvent
- Login
- LoginEvent
- MeasurementsEditor
- MeasurementSwitcherEvent
- Menu
- MenuEvent
- Notifier
- PDFReportDialog
- PDFReportDialogEvent
- Profile3dEditor
- Profile3dEvent
- Profile3dPanel
- ProjectionDialog
- ProjectionDialogEvent
- QuickAccess
- ReportPanel
- ResetPasswordDialog
- Rotator
- RotatorEvent
- ScaleLine
- Search
- SearchEvent
- ShortcutBar
- SideBar
- SidePanel
- Slider
- SliderEvent
- SnappingOptionsDialog
- SnappingOptionsDialogEvent
- Splitter
- StatusBar
- StreetPanel
- StreetPanelEvent
- StreetViewerVisibleEvent
- StyleCategorizedSelector
- StyleCollectionSelector
- StyleGraduatedSelector
- StyleManagerDialog
- StyleManagerDialogEvent
- StyleSelector
- StyleSingleSelector
- SwipeSlider
- SyncManager
- SyncManagerEvent
- Table
- TableColumns
- TableColumnsEvent
- TableColumnsEvent
- TableManager
- TableManagerEvent
- TableNavigator
- TableNavigatorEvent
- TableReport
- TableSelectionEvent
- TableSizer
- TableSizerEvent
- TimeRangeDialog
- TimeRangeDialogEvent
- ToolAttributeEvent
- ToolEvent
- ToolsControl
- ToolsOptions
- Tooltip
- UserOptions
- VectorLayersManager
- ViewerMenu
- ViewerMenuEvent
- ViewerSettingsDialog
- ViewerSettingsDialogEvent
- ViewerSwitcher
- ViewerTools
- ViewModeSwitcher
- ViewModeSwitcherEvent
- WellcomeDialog
- WorkspaceCreator
- WorkspaceCreatorEvent
- WorkspaceInfo
- WorkspaceInfoProjectionEvent
- WorkspaceManager
- WorkspaceManagerEvent
- Zoom
- ZoomEvent
<static> ViewerSwitcherEvent(type, viewIndex, preset)
Name Type Description type
string Event type.
number View index if the event regards to a given view.
Mapspace.LayoutPreset Layout preset if the event regards to a given preset.
- Source:
- mapspace/events.js
Type Definitions
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.AddressInfoEventType.CLOSECLICK closeclick Triggered when the close button is clicked Mapspace.control.AddressInfoEventType.COPYCLICK copyclick Triggered when the copy button is clicked - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined collapsible
boolean | undefined If the control can collapse when not enough space.
boolean | undefined initial state.
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined iconClassNames
string | undefined The class names for a span HTML element that will be included for setting an icon through CSS. Another way to set an icon is using iconSVG.
string | undefined The name of the icon to show, or an SVG string, or undefined to do not show an icon. If present this option has precedence over iconClassNames. If present the string is tested as a valid name available as a key in
enum. Names are case insensitive. For example, for an Add icon use 'ADD', 'add', or any other case. If string is not valid as icon name, then it will be supposed to be any SVG string.iconStyle
Mapspace.control.IconStyle | undefined The position of the icon in the button, first before the label, or last after the label. Default is first.
string | undefined The label for the button element.
Mapspace.control.Tooltip | undefined The tooltip object.
Mapspace.control.SizeStyle | undefined The size of the control. Default is DEFAULT size.
function | undefined The Function called in the click of the button. If not provided one the default handler will trigger an event in the click.
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined title
string | undefined An optional string to use as title on top of the control.
number | undefined An optional size of the title. If it is 0 a
Array.<string> | undefined Array of strings with full list of items to show in the control. If no value is passed defaults to an empty array.
Array.<string> | undefined Optional array of strings with icons for each item in the list. Icons can be a SVG icon or the name of an existing icon in
Array.<number> | undefined Array of indexes for the items that must be shown as checked. Each index must refer to an item in the list, or that value will be ignored. If no value is passed then no item in the list will be checked. Checked items are shown on top of not cheched ones and in the priority order, that is the order in which they are in this array. Non-checked items are shown below in alphabetical order.
boolean | undefined If list must be sorted or not when it is shown in the control. The sorting only occurs in the control, not in the stored list. By default is true.
Options for controls inheriting from
that use Bootstrap.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description element
Element | undefined The HTML element where the control is drawn.
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined The HTML element where the control is appended. If a
is provided then it will be an HTML element inside the viewer viewport.controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined The control definitions to add to this control.
string | undefined The class names to add to the default ones that the control will create.
string | undefined A key for searching translation of strings. It is optional and each control will always create a default one.
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined The mode the control can be faded out/in when it is inside the active viewer.
boolean | undefined If the control must be enabled on start or not.
boolean | undefined If the control must listen to resize events of the window browser and call a
function on each resize event. Derived classes can override this function to execute actions related to size changes. -
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.DashboardEventType.UPDATEBASELAYERSINFO updatebaselayersinfo Triggered when clicked some workspace in workspace manager. Mapspace.control.DashboardEventType.PROFILESINFOCLICKED profilesinfoclicked Triggered when Profiles info
tab inUser information
is clicked.Mapspace.control.DashboardEventType.PROFILEINFOSELECTED profileinfoselected Triggered when a Profile info
item is selected in the list ofProfiles Info
.Mapspace.control.DashboardEventType.RESETPASSWORDCLICKED resetpasswordclicked Triggered when Reset password
button is clicked.Mapspace.control.DashboardEventType.QUICKACCESSCLICKED quickaccessclicked Triggered when Quick Access
button is clicked.Mapspace.control.DashboardEventType.OPENCHANGED openchanged Triggered when control changed the open status. Mapspace.control.DashboardEventType.PANELSHOWN panelshown Triggered when a panel is shown. Mapspace.control.DashboardEventType.LANGUAGECHANGED languagechanged Triggered when the language in the Languages dropdown
changes.- Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined goToClassicWeb
boolean | undefined If the control must show a button to link to classic old web page or not. Default is true.
function | undefined The handler for the button that links to classic old page.
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.DateSelectorEventType.LISTITEMCLICK listitemclick Triggered when a checkbox or radio button is clicked. Mapspace.control.DateSelectorEventType.SHOWDATES showdates Triggered when show dates button is clicked. - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined iconClassNames
string | undefined The class names for the icon HTML element.
string | undefined The label for the button element.
Array.<string> | undefined List of strings to be shown as content of items.
Array.<string> | undefined List of values.
number | undefined The index of initial selected item. Default is zero.
Mapspace.control.SizeStyle | undefined The size of the control. Default is DEFAULT size.
function | undefined The Function called in the change of the control. If not provided one the default handler will trigger an event in the change.
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.EventType.ACTIVECHANGED change:active Triggered when the control change active property Mapspace.control.EventType.CHANGE change Triggered when the value that contains a control is changed. Mapspace.control.EventType.CLICK click Triggered when an control is clicked. Mapspace.control.EventType.DBLCLICK dblclick Mapspace.control.EventType.DRAGENTER dragenter Mapspace.control.EventType.DRAGOVER dragover Mapspace.control.EventType.DROP drop Mapspace.control.EventType.ENDCHANGE endchange Triggered when a change is ended. Mapspace.control.EventType.ERROR error Mapspace.control.EventType.INPUT input Triggered when a input, select or textarea control changes. Mapspace.control.EventType.KEYUP keyup Mapspace.control.EventType.KEYDOWN keydown Mapspace.control.EventType.KEYPRESS keypress Mapspace.control.EventType.LOAD load Triggered when a document is loaded. Mapspace.control.EventType.MAINCLICK mainclick Mapspace.control.EventType.MOUSEDOWN mousedown Mapspace.control.EventType.MOUSEENTER mouseenter Mapspace.control.EventType.MOUSELEAVE mouseleave Mapspace.control.EventType.MOUSEMOVE mousemove Mapspace.control.EventType.MOUSEOUT mouseout Mapspace.control.EventType.MOUSEUP mouseup Mapspace.control.EventType.MOUSEWHEEL mousewheel Mapspace.control.EventType.MSPOINTERDOWN mspointerdown Mapspace.control.EventType.RESIZE resize Mapspace.control.EventType.SEARCH search Mapspace.control.EventType.STARTCHANGE startchange Triggered when a change is started. Mapspace.control.EventType.TOUCHSTART touchstart Mapspace.control.EventType.TOUCHMOVE touchmove Mapspace.control.EventType.TOUCHEND touchend Mapspace.control.EventType.WHEEL wheel Mapspace.control.EventType.DRAGGERSTART draggerstart Mapspace.control.EventType.DRAGGERDRAG draggerdrag Mapspace.control.EventType.DRAGGEREND draggerend Mapspace.control.EventType.TOOLSELECTED toolselected Triggered when a tool in the control is clicked or selected Mapspace.control.EventType.COLORSELECTED colorselected - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Different modes to fade out/in a
when it is inside the active viewer.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode.NEVER never Never fade out/in the control Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode.MOBILE mobile Fade out/in the control when device is mobile Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode.NOTMOBILEINVERSE notmobileinverse Fade out/in the control when device isn't mobile but in reverse mode, fading out when all controls are fading in Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode.NOTMOBILE notmobile Fade out/in the control when device isn't mobile Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode.ALWAYS always Always fade out/in the control - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Type of condition to enable a button that allow actions on features in a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.FeatureButtonEnabledCondition.ALWAYS always always enabled. Mapspace.control.FeatureButtonEnabledCondition.SEVERAL several enabled when there is one or more features is in the list, marked or not. Mapspace.control.FeatureButtonEnabledCondition.SEVERAL_MARKED several_marked enabled only if one or more features are marked in the list. Mapspace.control.FeatureButtonEnabledCondition.ONE_MARKED one_marked enabled only if one feature is marked in the list. Mapspace.control.FeatureButtonEnabledCondition.SOME_ATTRIBUTES someAtt enabled if some attributes are marked Mapspace.control.FeatureButtonEnabledCondition.FEATURES_SELECTED FeatSel enabled is some features are marked Mapspace.control.FeatureButtonEnabledCondition.ATTRIBUTES_SELECTED AttSel enabled if some attributes are marked - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
An object that in a
stores the data for a given layer.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description layer
Mapspace.layer.Vector The layer.
Object The object that stores the data for the current selected features.
number The number of features in the features property.
boolean If the layer is fixed and cannot be change, only queried.
boolean If the layer is the current selected in the
. -
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined className
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined collapsedSections
Array.<string> | undefined An optional list of section names that must be collapsed on control start.
Mapspace.control.FeaturePanel | undefined The FeaturePanel in which this FeatureEditor will be used.
Mapspace.control.FeatureEditorLayerObject | undefined The object referenced from the FeaturePanel that stores the data for the current selected layer.
Array.<Mapspace.ToolDefinition> | undefined The feature buttons definition.
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.FeaturePanelEventType.CLICK click Triggered when a button is clicked. Mapspace.control.FeaturePanelEventType.SAVING saving Triggered when a saving action must be taken Mapspace.control.FeaturePanelEventType.SELECTEDLAYERCHANGED selectedlayerchanged Triggered when the layer in the layers dropdown changes. Mapspace.control.FeaturePanelEventType.MARKEDFEATURESCHANGED markedfeatureschanged Triggered when the marked features in the feature listbox changed. Mapspace.control.FeaturePanelEventType.QUERYCHANGED querychanged Triggered when the query in 'Select by attributes' has changed - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined className
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined layer
Mapspace.layer.Vector | undefined The layer or a temporary layer of a given type for which the filter editor will define the filter.
boolean | undefined If show a header title or not.
Icon style in a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.IconStyle.ICONFIRST iconfirst The icon is shown first, then the label. The default. Mapspace.control.IconStyle.ICONLAST iconlast The label is shown first, then the icon (right aligned). - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- @property {(boolean|undefined)} enabled - As in
. - Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined className
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined As in
boolean | undefined label
string | undefined The text content for the HTML element.
- @property {(boolean|undefined)} enabled - As in
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.LayerSwitcherEventType.LISTITEMCLICK listitemclick Triggered when a button inside a list item is clicked. Mapspace.control.LayerSwitcherEventType.LISTITEMSELECTED listitemselected Triggered when a list item is clicked. - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Types of items shown in a
.Name Value Mapspace.control.LayerSwitcherItemType.GROUP group Mapspace.control.LayerSwitcherItemType.LAYER layer Mapspace.control.LayerSwitcherItemType.STYLERULE stylerule - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined showLanguage
boolean | undefined If show a language selector or not. Default is false.
Options for a menu item inside a
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description type
Mapspace.control.MenuItemType | undefined Type of menu item.
string | undefined Name of icon. The string is tested as a valid name available as a key in
enum. Names are case insensitive. For example, for an Add icon use 'ADD', 'add', or any other case. If string is not valid as icon name, then it will be supposed to be any SVG string.label
string | undefined The label for the button element. If no label is passed then only icon will be shown.
string | undefined The clue text for the textbox.
string | undefined The class names to add to the menu item option when it is a BUTTON menu item.
Types of menu items inside a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.MenuItemType.BUTTON button Item is a button. Events are CLICK. Mapspace.control.MenuItemType.TEXTBOXBUTTON textboxbutton Item is a textbox & a button. Events are CHANGED and CLICK. Mapspace.control.MenuItemType.DIVIDER divider Item is a divider. No events. - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined buttonClassNames
string | undefined The class names for the button HTML element.
string | undefined The class names for a span HTML element that will be included for setting an icon through CSS. Another way to set an icon is using iconSVG.
string | undefined The name of the icon to show, or an SVG string, or undefined to do not show an icon. If present this option has precedence over iconClassNames. If present the string is tested as a valid name available as a key in
enum. Names are case insensitive. For example, for an Add icon use 'ADD', 'add', or any other case. If string is not valid as icon name, then it will be supposed to be any SVG string.label
string | undefined The label for the button element. If no label is passed then only icon will be shown.
Array.<Mapspace.control.MenuItemOptions> | undefined List of menu items to be shown.
Options for notifications of a
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description element
string | undefined Appends the notification to a specific element. If the element is set to anything other than the body of a document it switches from a position: fixed to position: absolute. Default is 'body'.
string | undefined Allows users to specify a custom position to the notification container element. Allowed values are: 'static', 'fixed', 'relative', 'absolute', null. Default is null.
boolean | undefined Default is true. If this value is set to false it will hide the data-grow="dismiss" element. Please keep in mind if you modify the template setting and do not include a data-notify="dismiss" element even with this set to true there will be no element for a user to click to close the notification.
boolean | undefined Default is false. This boolean is used to determine if the notification should display a progress bar.
string | undefined Default is top. This controls where if the notification will be placed at the top or bottom of your element.
string | undefined Default is right. This controls if the notification will be placed in the left, center or right side of the element.
number | undefined Default is 20. This adds padding in pixels between the element and the notification creating a space between their edges.
Name Type Description x
number | undefined Default is 20. This adds adding on the x axis in pixels between the element and the notification creating a space between their edges.
number | undefined Default is 20. This adds padding on the y axis in pixels between the element and the notification creating a space between their edges.
number | undefined Default is 10. This adds a padding in pixels between notifications with the same placement creating a space between their edges.
number | undefined Default is 1031. Pretty simple, this sets the css property z-index for the notification. You may have to raise this number if you have other elements overlapping the notification.
number | undefined Default is 5000. If delay is set higher than 0 then the notification will auto-close after the delay period is up. Please keep in mind that delay uses milliseconds so 5000 is 5 seconds.
number | undefined Default is 1000. This is the amount of milliseconds removed from the notify at every timer milliseconds. So to make that a little less confusing every 1000 milliseconds there will be 1000 milliseconds removed from the remaining time of the notify delay. If this is set higher then delay the notify will not be removed until timer has run out.
string | undefined Values can be: '_blank', '_self', '_parent', '_top'. This sets the target of the url for a notification. please check HTML target Attribute to learn more about these options.
string | undefined Values are 'pause' or null. Default is null. By default this does nothing. If you set this option to pause it will pause the timer on the notification delay. Since version 2.0.0 the timer will not reset it will continue from it's last tick.
string | undefined Default is 'animated fadeInDown'. This will control the animation used to bring the generate the notification on screen. Since version 2.0.0 all animations are controlled using css. This plugin is not com packaged with any animations. Please use Animate.css by Daniel Eden or you can always write your own css animations.
string | undefined Default is 'animated fadeOutUp'. This will control the animation used to bring the generate the notification on screen. Since version 2.0.0 all animations are controlled using css. This plugin is not com packaged with any animations. Please use Animate.css by Daniel Eden or you can always write your own css animations.
function | undefined This event fires immediately when the show instance method is called.
function | undefined This event is fired when the modal has been made visible to the user (will wait for CSS transitions to complete).
function | undefined This event is fired immediately when the notification is closing.
function | undefined This event is fired when the modal has finished closing and is removed from the document (will wait for CSS transitions to complete).
string | undefined A string with HTML where several values will be replaces. Values are: {0}=type, {1}=title, {2}=message, {3}=url, {4}= target.
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.Profile3dEventType.LISTITEMCLICK listitemclick Triggered when a profile3d item in a listbox is clicked. - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Properties for any
and derived classes.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.Property.ENABLED enabled If the control is enabled or not. - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined mainButtonName
string | undefined An optional name for the main button. Default is btnRotate. Useful to customize the tooltip of the main button.
Type of a rotator control.
Name Value Mapspace.control.RotatorType.DEFAULTROTATOR defaultrotator Mapspace.control.RotatorType.ROTATOR rotator - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined minWidth
number | undefined Minimum width.
ol.control.ScaleLineUnits | string | undefined Units.
Properties of a
.Name Value Mapspace.control.ScaleLineProperty.UNITS units - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined className
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined showCollapsableButton
boolean | undefined true shows control as collapsable.
string | undefined usertoken to use in Mapspace services.
boolean | undefined true shows the provider dropdown. False is useful when only one provider is used.
number | undefined minimum number of chars to type and start a search.
number | undefined maximum number of gecoding results to show in the autocomplete list.
number | undefined number of milliseconds between typings to launch a new search.
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined goToClassicWeb
boolean | undefined If the control must show a button to link to classic old web page or not. Default is true.
function | undefined The handler for the button that links to classic old page.
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.SidePanelEventType.OPENCHANGED openchanged Triggered when control changed the open status. When open the panel is shown inline with the rest of controls in the same target. Mapspace.control.SidePanelEventType.PANELSHOWN panelshown Triggered when any of the panels inside the control has been shown. - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined className
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined linkedButton
Mapspace.control.Button | undefined An optional button that will open/close the panel when clicked.
Size style of a Bootstrap control.
Name Value Mapspace.control.SizeStyle.SMALL small Mapspace.control.SizeStyle.DEFAULT default Mapspace.control.SizeStyle.LARGE large - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined minimumValue
number | undefined The minimum value for the slider. Default is 0.
number | undefined The maximum value for the slider. Default is 100.
number | undefined The initial value for the slider. If value is not inside min and max then min is set. Default is 0.
Different optional data that can be added to a snapshot of a viewer.
Name Value Description Mapspace.control.SnapshotOptions.DATETIME datetime Show the current date & time Mapspace.control.SnapshotOptions.DATADATETIME datadatetime Show the data & time of the current data visible from Terratec Mapspace.control.SnapshotOptions.GEOCODING geocoding Show the current search geocoding info Mapspace.control.SnapshotOptions.REVERSE_GEOCODING reverse_geocoding Show the current reverse geocoding info Mapspace.control.SnapshotOptions.NVDB_ROAD_V2 nvdb_road_v2 Show norwegian NVDB road reference V2 Mapspace.control.SnapshotOptions.NVDB_ROAD_V3 nvdb_road_v3 Show norwegian NVDB road reference V3 - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.SplitterEventType.STARTRESIZE startresize Triggered when control starts being resized. Mapspace.control.SplitterEventType.STOPRESIZE stopresize Triggered when control ends being resized. - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined className
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined initialWidth
number | undefined The initial width for the first element, the one on the left. This option is ignored in mobile phones.
number | undefined The minimum width in pixels that the first element can have when resized. By default it is 250. This option is ignored in mobile phones.
number | undefined The maximum width in pixels that the first element can have when resized. By default it is 900. This option is ignored in mobile phones.
Element | undefined The first HTML element to be resized by the control, that must be on the left of the splitter HTML element.
Element | undefined The second HTML element to be resized by the control, that must be on the right of the splitter HTML element.
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.StreetPanelEventType.IMAGES_FILTER_BYDISTANCE images_filter_bydistance Triggered when image filter by distance is selected in control. Mapspace.control.StreetPanelEventType.IMAGES_FILTER_BYTIME images_filter_bytime Triggered when image filter by time is selected in control. Mapspace.control.StreetPanelEventType.FEATURES_REDEFINE_ACCEPT features_redefine_accept Triggered when a vertex has been requested to be redefined. Mapspace.control.StreetPanelEventType.VERTEX_SELECTED_CHANGED vertex_selected_changed Triggered when the vertex selected has changed. Mapspace.control.StreetPanelEventType.IMAGE_SELECTED_CHANGED image_selected_changed Triggered when the Street image selected has changed. Mapspace.control.StreetPanelEventType.FEATURE_STATUS_VALID feature_status_valid Triggered when the status for the feature is set to valid. Mapspace.control.StreetPanelEventType.FEATURE_STATUS_NOVALID feature_status_novalid Triggered when the status for the feature is set to no valid. - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.StyleSelectorEventType.PROCCESSING_STATUS_CHANGED proccessing_status_changed The control started or end a long proccess. - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.SyncManagerEventType.SYNCOPTIONADDED syncoptionadded Triggered when a sync option is added. Mapspace.control.SyncManagerEventType.SYNCOPTIONREMOVED syncoptionremoved Triggered when a sync option is removed. Mapspace.control.SyncManagerEventType.SYNCOPTIONREMOVEDALL syncoptionremovedall Triggered when all sync option are removed. Mapspace.control.SyncManagerEventType.SYNCOPTIONMODIFIED syncoptionmodified Triggered when a sync option is modified. - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined columns
Array.<Mapspace.control.TableColumnsSettings> | undefined Array of objects with the settings for columns.
Settings for a column in a
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description alias
string Alias of the column.
boolean If the column is visible or not.
number The order to use when showing the column.
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.TableEventType.TABLESELECTIONCHANGED tableselectionchanged Triggered when selection change. - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.TableManagerEventType.TABLESHOWN tableshown Triggered when a table is shown. Mapspace.control.TableManagerEventType.REPORTSHOWN reportshown Triggered when the report is shown. Mapspace.control.TableManagerEventType.TABLECLOSED tableclosed Triggered when a table is closed. Mapspace.control.TableManagerEventType.TABLECHANGED tablesizechanged Triggered when visible rows change. Mapspace.control.TableManagerEventType.TABLESELECTIONCHANGED tableselectionchanged Triggered when selection change. Mapspace.control.TableManagerEventType.ATTRIBUTESUPDATED attributesupdated Triggered when attribute information is updated. - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined layer
Mapspace.layer.Vector | undefined The layer with the data to show in the table.
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined allowEdits
boolean | undefined If show a control for edits.
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined tableSizes
Array.<number> | undefined Array of sizes. The value -1 is for an option to have the value
, that means no size limit. Default value is[10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 100, 150, 200, -1]
number | undefined The size to use. Must be one of the values in tableSizes. If not, first one is used by default. Default is 15.
Types of boundaries for a tooltip. Used by
.Name Value Mapspace.control.TooltipBoundary.VIEWPORT viewport Mapspace.control.TooltipBoundary.WINDOW window Mapspace.control.TooltipBoundary.SCROLLPARENT scrollParent - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for a
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description globalizationKey
string | undefined A key for searching translation of strings. If this is provided and also a title, this takes precedence.
boolean | undefined Apply a CSS fade transition to the tooltip. Default is true.
string | Element | boolean | undefined Appends the tooltip to a specific element. Example:
container: 'body'
. This option is particularly useful in that it allows you to position the tooltip in the flow of the document near the triggering element - which will prevent the tooltip from floating away from the triggering element during a window resize. Default is false.delay
number | Object | undefined Delay showing and hiding the tooltip (ms) - does not apply to manual trigger type. If a number is supplied, delay is applied to both hide/show. Object structure is: delay: { "show": 500, "hide": 100 }. Default is zero.
boolean | undefined Allow HTML in the tooltip. If true, HTML tags in the tooltip's title will be rendered in the tooltip. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content into the DOM. Use text if you're worried about XSS attacks. Default is false.
Mapspace.control.TooltipPlacement | function | undefined How to position the tooltip - auto | top | bottom | left | right. When auto is specified, it will dynamically reorient the tooltip. When a function is used to determine the placement, it is called with the tooltip DOM node as its first argument and the triggering element DOM node as its second. The this context is set to the tooltip instance. Default is 'top'.
string | boolean | undefined If a selector is provided, tooltip objects will be delegated to the specified targets. In practice, this is used to enable dynamic HTML content to have popovers added. Default is false.
string | undefined Base HTML to use when creating the tooltip. The tooltip's title will be injected into the .tooltip-inner. .arrow will become the tooltip's arrow. The outermost wrapper element should have the .tooltip class and role="tooltip". Default is: '
string | Element | function | undefined Default title value if globalizationKey attribute isn't present. If a function is given, it will be called with its this reference set to the element that the tooltip is attached to. Default is undefined meaning that the values will be taken from the globalizationKey and translation.
string | undefined How tooltip is triggered - click | hover | focus | manual. You may pass multiple triggers; separate them with a space. 'manual' indicates that the tooltip will be triggered programmatically via the .tooltip('show'), .tooltip('hide') and .tooltip('toggle') methods; this value cannot be combined with any other trigger. 'hover' on its own will result in tooltips that cannot be triggered via the keyboard, and should only be used if alternative methods for conveying the same information for keyboard users is present. Default is 'hover focus'.
number | string | undefined Offset of the tooltip relative to its target. For more information refer to [Popper.js's offset docs] Default is zero.
string | Array | undefined Allow to specify which position Popper will use on fallback. For more information refer to [Popper.js's behavior docs] Default is 'flip'.
Mapspace.control.TooltipBoundary | Element | undefined Overflow constraint boundary of the tooltip. Accepts the values of 'viewport', 'window', 'scrollParent', or an HTMLElement reference (JavaScript only). For more information refer to [Popper.js's preventOverflow docs] Default is 'scrollParent'.
Types of positions for a tooltip. Used by
.Name Value Mapspace.control.TooltipPlacement.AUTO auto Mapspace.control.TooltipPlacement.TOP top Mapspace.control.TooltipPlacement.RIGHT right Mapspace.control.TooltipPlacement.LEFT left Mapspace.control.TooltipPlacement.BOTTOM bottom - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.UserOptionsEventType.LOGOUT logout The logout button has been clicked Mapspace.control.UserOptionsEventType.LANGUAGECHANGED languagechanged The language has changed. Mapspace.control.UserOptionsEventType.PROJECTIONCHANGED projectionchanged The projection has changed. - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined user
string | undefined User name
string | undefined Client name
string | undefined Expiration date
boolean | undefined If show a language selector or not. Default is false.
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.ViewerMenuEventType.PINCLICK pinclick Triggered when the pin button is clicked. - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.ViewerSwitcherEventType.VIEWERCLICK viewerclick Triggered when a viewer checkbox is clicked. Mapspace.control.ViewerSwitcherEventType.PRESETCLICK presetclick Triggered when a preset option is clicked. Mapspace.control.ViewerSwitcherEventType.PRESETADDED presetadded Triggered when a preset option is added. Mapspace.control.ViewerSwitcherEventType.PRESETREMOVED presetremoved Triggered when a preset option is removed. - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined showPresets
boolean | undefined If true then the presets options are shown in the control. By default is true.
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined visibleViewTypes
Array.<Mapspace.ViewType> | undefined Visible buttons in the control through the list of the view types.
Types of events for a
.Name Value Description Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.CREATECLICK createclick Triggered when create new menu item is clicked. Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.ADDDEFAULTCLICK adddefaultclick Triggered when add default item is clicked Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.REMOVECLICK removeclick Triggered when remove menu item is clicked. Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.REFRESHCLICK refreshclick Triggered when refresh menu item is clicked Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.RENAMECLICK renameclick Triggered when rename menu item is clicked. Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.SAVECLICK saveclick Triggered when save menu item is clicked. Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.OPENCLICK openclick Triggered when open menu item is clicked. Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.DOUBLECLICK doubleclick Triggered when a workspace is double clicked. Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.PROJECTIONCHANGED projectionchanged Triggered when current projection has changed Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.PROJECTIONEDIT projectionedit Triggered when projection list has changed Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.UNITSCHANGED unitschanged Triggered when units list has changed Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.WORKSPACESELECTED workspaceselected Triggered when a workspace is selected Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.ROTATORSELECTED rotatorselected Triggered when old rotator is selected Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.DEFAULTROTATORSELECTED defaultrotatorselected Triggered when default rotator is selected in the list of the control Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.BASELAYERSCHANGED baselayerschanged Triggered when baselayers of any viewer are changed Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.OVERLAYSCHANGED overlayschanged Triggered when overlays of any viewer are changed Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.SNAPSHOTSOPTIONSCHANGED snapshotsoptionschanged Triggered when snapshots options of any viewer are changed Mapspace.control.WorkspaceManagerEventType.EXPORTCLICK exportclick Triggered when an export click button is clicked - Source:
- mapspace/enums.js
Options for
.- Source:
- mapspace/typedefs.js
Name Type Description target
Element | string | Mapspace.Viewer | undefined controls
Array.<Mapspace.ControlDefinition> | undefined classNames
string | undefined globalizationKey
string | undefined fadeOut
Mapspace.control.FadeOutMode | undefined enabled
boolean | undefined handleResizing
boolean | undefined delta
number | undefined The number for value that increases or decreases using the buttons.