Namespace: source

Mapspace. source

This namespace contains definitions of objects that extend the functionality of the OpenLayers ol.source namespace.




Type Definitions


Event types for a Mapspace.source.Cesium3DTileset.

Name Value Description
Mapspace.source.Cesium3DTilesetEventType.TILESETMETADATALOADED tilesetmetadataloaded The JSON file with tileset metadata has been loaded


Name Type Description
attributions ol.AttributionLike | undefined


logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined

The logo for the source.

pointCloudShading Cesium.PointCloudShading | undefined

The options for performing point attenuation based on geometric error when rendering point clouds using 3D Tiles.

projection ol.ProjectionLike

The projection for the source.

state ol.source.State | undefined

The state of the source, see ol.source.State for possible states.

url string | Cesium.Resource | undefined

The url to a tileset.json file or to a directory containing a tileset.json file.

wrapX boolean | undefined

Wrap the world horizontally. Default is true. For vector editing across the -180° and 180° meridians to work properly, this should be set to false. The resulting geometry coordinates will then exceed the world bounds.

project Mapspace.LiDARProjectMetadata | undefined

The project metadata.

isProjectUpdated boolean | undefined

If false the project property passed is considered outdated and a new request should be made to retrieve the latest project metadata. By default is false. Use true in cases when project metadata has been inmediately downloaded.

colorConditions Mapspace.ColorConditions | undefined

The conditions to use for rendering with different colors.

pointSizeConditions Mapspace.PointSizeConditions | undefined

The conditions to use for rendering with different point sizes.

maximumScreenSpaceError number | undefined

The maximum screen space error used to drive level of detail refinement. By deafult is 16.

maximumMemoryUsage number | undefined

The maximum amount of memory in MB that can be used by the tileset. By default is 256.

clippingPlanes Cesium.ClippingPlaneCollection | undefined

An optional collection of clipping planes to disable rendering inside the volume defined by the planes.



Name Type Description
name string | undefined

The name for the source.



Name Type Description
attributions ol.AttributionLike | undefined


logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined

The logo for the source.

pointCloudShading Cesium.PointCloudShading | undefined

The options for performing point attenuation based on geometric error when rendering point clouds using 3D Tiles.

projection ol.ProjectionLike

The projection for the source.

state ol.source.State | undefined

The state of the source, see ol.source.State for possible states.

url string | Cesium.Resource | undefined

The url to a tileset.json file or to a directory containing a tileset.json file.

wrapX boolean | undefined

Wrap the world horizontally. Default is true. For vector editing across the -180° and 180° meridians to work properly, this should be set to false. The resulting geometry coordinates will then exceed the world bounds.

project Mapspace.LiDARProjectMetadata | undefined

The LiDAR project metadata.

isProjectUpdated boolean | undefined

If false the project property passed is considered outdated and a new request should be made to retrieve the latest project metadata. By default is false. Use true in cases when project metadata has been inmediately downloaded.

colorConditions Mapspace.ColorConditions | undefined

The conditions to use for rendering with different colors.

pointSizeConditions Mapspace.PointSizeConditions | undefined

The conditions to use for rendering with different point sizes.

maximumScreenSpaceError number | undefined

The maximum screen space error used to drive level of detail refinement. By deafult is 16.

maximumMemoryUsage number | undefined

The maximum amount of memory in MB that can be used by the tileset. By default is 256.

clippingPlanes Cesium.ClippingPlaneCollection | undefined

An optional collection of clipping planes to disable rendering inside the volume defined by the planes.



Name Type Description
file File | undefined

The File object.

logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined




Name Type Description
attributions ol.AttributionLike | undefined


logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined

The logo for the source.

pointCloudShading Cesium.PointCloudShading | undefined

The options for performing point attenuation based on geometric error when rendering point clouds using 3D Tiles.

projection ol.ProjectionLike

The projection for the source.

state ol.source.State | undefined

The state of the source, see ol.source.State for possible states.

url string | Cesium.Resource | undefined

The url to a tileset.json file or to a directory containing a tileset.json file.

wrapX boolean | undefined

Wrap the world horizontally. Default is true. For vector editing across the -180° and 180° meridians to work properly, this should be set to false. The resulting geometry coordinates will then exceed the world bounds.

project Mapspace.Mesh3DProjectMetadata | undefined

The Mesh3D project metadata.

colorConditions Mapspace.ColorConditions | undefined

The conditions to use for rendering with different colors.

maximumScreenSpaceError number | undefined

The maximum screen space error used to drive level of detail refinement. By deafult is 16.

maximumMemoryUsage number | undefined

The maximum amount of memory in MB that can be used by the tileset. By default is 256.

clippingPlanes Cesium.ClippingPlaneCollection | undefined

An optional collection of clipping planes to disable rendering inside the volume defined by the planes.



Name Type Description
url string | undefined

The URL to the remote resource file.



Name Type Description
attributions ol.AttributionLike | undefined


features Array.<ol.Feature> | ol.Collection.<ol.Feature> | undefined

Features. If provided as ol.Collection, the features in the source and the collection will stay in sync.

format ol.format.Feature | undefined

The feature format used by the XHR feature loader when url is set. Required if url is set, otherwise ignored. Default is undefined.

logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined


overlaps boolean | undefined

This source may have overlapping geometries. Default is true. Setting this to false (e.g. for sources with polygons that represent administrative boundaries or TopoJSON sources) allows the renderer to optimise fill and stroke operations.

strategy ol.LoadingStrategy | undefined

The loading strategy to use. By default an ol.loadingstrategy.all strategy is used, a one-off strategy which loads all features at once.

useSpatialIndex boolean | undefined

By default, an RTree is used as spatial index. When features are removed and added frequently, and the total number of features is low, setting this to false may improve performance. Note that ol.source.Vector#getFeaturesInExtent, ol.source.Vector#getClosestFeatureToCoordinate and ol.source.Vector#getExtent cannot be used when useSpatialIndex is set to false, and ol.source.Vector#forEachFeatureInExtent will loop through all features. When set to false, the features will be maintained in an ol.Collection, which can be retrieved through ol.source.Vector#getFeaturesCollection. The default is true.

wrapX boolean | undefined

Wrap the world horizontally. Default is true. For vector editing across the -180° and 180° meridians to work properly, this should be set to false. The resulting geometry coordinates will then exceed the world bounds.

featureTypes Array.<string>

An array defining what feature types are available.

viewTypeOptions Object.<string, Object>

The options to apply to each type of viewer. This must be an object with Mapspace.ViewType as keys and objects as values. Each object must have one featureTypesForResolutions property with a Mapspace.FeatureTypeResolution and one loadingStrategy property with a ol.LoadingStrategy.



Name Type Description
type Mapspace.source.SourceType | undefined

Type of the source.

properties Mapspace.source.EmptyProperties | Mapspace.source.LocalFileProperties | Mapspace.source.RemoteFileProperties | Mapspace.source.WebServiceProperties | Mapspace.source.UserRasterLayerProperties | Mapspace.source.UserVectorLayerProperties | Mapspace.source.UserVectorLayerGroupProperties | undefined

Source properties.



Types of sources.

Name Value Description
Mapspace.source.SourceType.EMPTY empty Source is an empty one for local editing.
Mapspace.source.SourceType.LOCALFILE localfile Source type is a local file.
Mapspace.source.SourceType.REMOTEFILE remotefile Source type is a remote file.
Mapspace.source.SourceType.WEBSERVICE webservice Source type is a web service, like WMS, WMTS, WFS or other.
Mapspace.source.SourceType.USERRASTERLAYER userrasterlayer Source type that is a named raster layer stored in Terratec services.
Mapspace.source.SourceType.USERVECTORLAYER uservectorlayer Source type that is a named vector layer stored in Terratec services.


Name Type Description
projection ol.ProjectionLike

Projection for the source.

tileGrid ol.tilegrid.TileGrid | undefined

TileGrid object.

wrapX boolean | undefined

If repeat the source in X direction.

color string | undefined

Color for the tiles.



Name Type Description
name string | undefined

The name of the user layer.

description string | undefined

The description of the user layer.

daterange string | undefined

The range of dates this user layer is able to provide.

layer string | undefined

The name of the Terratec services layer this user layer is able to provide.

layerformat string | undefined

The type of format of the user layer.

overlay boolean | undefined

If this user layer is an overlay that can be overlapped on top of other data or not.

srid string | undefined

The EPSG Spatial Reference ID as a string. For example: '4326'.

extent string | undefined

A polygon in WKT format with the maximum extent this user layer is able to provide.



Name Type Description
id number

ID of group.

name string

Name of group.

type Mapspace.LayerGroupItemType

Always must be group.

content Array.<(Mapspace.source.UserVectorLayerGroupProperties|Mapspace.source.UserVectorLayerProperties)>

Content of the layer group.



Name Type Description
name string | undefined

The name of the user layer.

type Mapspace.LayerGroupItemType | undefined

If is a layer group or layer. Here is always layer.



Event types that extend the current events of a ol.source.Vector.

Name Value Description
Mapspace.source.VectorEventType.FEATURESCHANGED featureschanged Some features has been changed
Mapspace.source.VectorEventType.LOADFEATURESSTARTED loadfeaturesstarted A bulk loading of features has started
Mapspace.source.VectorEventType.LOADFEATURESFINISHED loadfeaturesfinished A bulk loading of features has finished
Mapspace.source.VectorEventType.LOADFEATURESREJECTED loadfeaturesrejected A bulk loading of features has been rejected because the number of features was too high
Mapspace.source.VectorEventType.LOADFEATURESERROR loadfeatureserror A bulk loading of features has stopped because an error happened trying to request number of features


Name Type Description
attributions ol.AttributionLike | undefined


features Array.<ol.Feature> | ol.Collection.<ol.Feature> | undefined

Features. If provided as ol.Collection, the features in the source and the collection will stay in sync.

format ol.format.Feature | undefined

The feature format used by the XHR feature loader when url is set. Required if url is set, otherwise ignored. Default is undefined.

loader ol.FeatureLoader | undefined

The loader function used to load features, from a remote source for example. If this is not set and url is set, the source will create and use an XHR feature loader.

logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined


overlaps boolean | undefined

This source may have overlapping geometries. Default is true. Setting this to false (e.g. for sources with polygons that represent administrative boundaries or TopoJSON sources) allows the renderer to optimise fill and stroke operations.

strategy ol.LoadingStrategy | undefined

The loading strategy to use. By default an ol.loadingstrategy.all strategy is used, a one-off strategy which loads all features at once.

url string | ol.FeatureUrlFunction | undefined

Setting this option instructs the source to load features using an XHR loader (see ol.featureloader.xhr). Use a string and an ol.loadingstrategy.all for a one-off download of all features from the given URL. Use a ol.FeatureUrlFunction to generate the url with other loading strategies. Requires format to be set as well. When default XHR feature loader is provided, the features will be transformed from the data projection to the view projection during parsing. If your remote data source does not advertise its projection properly, this transformation will be incorrect. For some formats, the default projection (usually EPSG:4326) can be overridden by setting the defaultDataProjection constructor option on the format. Note that if a source contains non-feature data, such as a GeoJSON geometry or a KML NetworkLink, these will be ignored. Use a custom loader to load these.

useSpatialIndex boolean | undefined

By default, an RTree is used as spatial index. When features are removed and added frequently, and the total number of features is low, setting this to false may improve performance. Note that ol.source.Vector#getFeaturesInExtent, ol.source.Vector#getClosestFeatureToCoordinate and ol.source.Vector#getExtent cannot be used when useSpatialIndex is set to false, and ol.source.Vector#forEachFeatureInExtent will loop through all features. When set to false, the features will be maintained in an ol.Collection, which can be retrieved through ol.source.Vector#getFeaturesCollection. The default is true.

wrapX boolean | undefined

Wrap the world horizontally. Default is true. For vector editing across the -180° and 180° meridians to work properly, this should be set to false. The resulting geometry coordinates will then exceed the world bounds.

name string | undefined

Name for the source.

sourceProxyID string

Unique ID of this source in the Mapspace.SourceProxy singleton.

localFileFormat string

Format of the local file that generated this source.

featuresProjection ol.proj.Projection | undefined

Projection of the incoming features.

geometryLayout ol.geom.GeometryLayout

Geometry layout for the source. We asume that all the geometries share the same geometry layout.

showLabels boolean

If show the labels of the features or not. By default is true.



Name Type Description
url string | undefined

URL of the web service.

name string | undefined

Name of the layer to request.

transparent boolean | undefined

If the expected responses will be images not completely filled. In this case images will be requested in PNG format.

tiled boolean | undefined

If true the web service is a tiled one, like WMTS. If not a non-tiled one, like WMS.



Options for a Mapspace.source.WFS.

Name Type Description
attributions ol.AttributionLike | undefined


features Array.<ol.Feature> | ol.Collection.<ol.Feature> | undefined

Features. If provided as ol.Collection, the features in the source and the collection will stay in sync. Required if url is set, otherwise ignored. Default is undefined.

logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined


overlaps boolean | undefined

This source may have overlapping geometries. Default is true. Setting this to false (e.g. for sources with polygons that represent administrative boundaries or TopoJSON sources) allows the renderer to optimise fill and stroke operations.

useSpatialIndex boolean | undefined

By default, an RTree is used as spatial index. When features are removed and added frequently, and the total number of features is low, setting this to false may improve performance. Note that ol.source.Vector#getFeaturesInExtent, ol.source.Vector#getClosestFeatureToCoordinate and ol.source.Vector#getExtent cannot be used when useSpatialIndex is set to false, and ol.source.Vector#forEachFeatureInExtent will loop through all features. When set to false, the features will be maintained in an ol.Collection, which can be retrieved through ol.source.Vector#getFeaturesCollection. The default is true.

wrapX boolean | undefined

Wrap the world horizontally. Default is true. For vector editing across the -180° and 180° meridians to work properly, this should be set to false. The resulting geometry coordinates will then exceed the world bounds.

featureTypes Array.<string>

An array defining what feature types are available.

serviceName string

Name of the service to add in the URL to compose the WFS request. The pattern of the request is something like this:{serviceName}?{params}. Notice that the loader option present in olx.source.VectorOptions is not more available here and a fixed loader is created internally.

viewTypeOptions Object.<string, Object>

The options to apply to each type of viewer. This must be an object with Mapspace.ViewType as keys and objects as values. Each object must have one featureTypesForResolutions property with a Mapspace.FeatureTypeResolution and one loadingStrategy property with a ol.LoadingStrategy.
