Measurement Services
Mapspace provides services to convert a street address into its coordinates (geocoding) and the other way around (reverse geocoding).
The available geocoding providers are OpenStreetMaps & Søk (from Norway Public Geocoding services).
The available reverse geocoding is only OpenStreetMaps.
This service returns the coordinates for a given street address.
SEAddress Parameters
The parameters needed in the request URL are the following:
This service has the following parameters:
- address [mandatory]: The address to geocode, in the format: Number Street, municipality, country subdivision, country. Depending on the country, the order of the first two parameters will be street number or number street. It is important not to include any extra commas so the parsing of the address is not interfered. Any parameter can be omitted.
- service [optional]: The service provider the geocoding data will be retrieved of. Possible values are:
- osm: OpenStreetMaps
- nosearch: Søk
- crs [mandatory]: Projection system used, It must follow OGC nomenclature. For example EPSG:32630 for WGS84 UTM 30 North or EPSG:3857 for Spherical Mercator projection.
- output [mandatory]: Response format. Possible values are:
- txt: Response is a text string with the point Elevation in meters.
- Xml: The result is an XML file Xml with information of the point Elevation.
- userkey [mandatory]: User’s key for authentication purposes. This key is unique for each client and must be requested to Field Group.
- Søk
The response returned with Søk provider will be.
10.426111073;60.0180555117;Oslograbenen - Geologisk, Hole:10.9637666158;59.9519972466;Osloutsikten - Høyde, Lørenskog:10.7335283343;59.9118703194;Oslo fylke - Fylke, Oslo:10.7335901655;59.911915844;Oslo kommune - Kommune, Oslo:10.7638166137;59.9177333257;Gamle Oslo - Bydel, Oslo:9.51881001998;60.8542329971;Oslovegen - matrikkelforskriften., Sør-Aurdal:10.3641224813;59.2306829849;Oslofjordveien 3 3159 Melsomvik:10.3623828518;59.230581191;Oslofjordveien 10 3159 Melsomvik:10.3611092703;59.2298737938;Oslofjordveien 16 3159 Melsomvik:10.3621355463;59.2285825267;Oslofjordveien 22 3159 Melsomvik
- OpenStreetMaps
The response returned with OpenStreetMaps provider will be.
-3.7035825;40.4167047;Madrid, Área metropolitana de Madrid y Corredor del Henares, Comunidad de Madrid, 28001, España:-3.771562775451811;40.5248319;Comunidad de Madrid, España:-3.771562775451811;40.5248319;Comunidad de Madrid, España:-93.8232813;41.8766526;Madrid, Boone County, Iowa, 50156, United States:-74.2844870998074;4.7698951;Madrid, Sabana Occidente, Cundinamarca, Región Andina, 250030, Colombia:-85.39815287941555;31.035862;Madrid, Houston County, Alabama, United States:-106.15423678007404;35.4023125;Madrid, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, United States:-65.24873426543746;-27.6478575;La Madrid, Municipio de Lamadrid, Departamento Graneros, Tucumán, T4159, Argentina:125.9655;9.2622588;Madrid, Surigao del Sur, Caraga, 8316, Philippines:-74.2629794;4.7333686;Madrid, Sabana Occidente, Cundinamarca, Región Andina, 250030, Colombia
This service returns the address for a given point defined by it coordinates using OpenStreetMaps provider.
SEInvAddress Parameters
The parameters needed in the request URL are the following:
This service has the following parameters:
- X [mandatory]: X coordinate of the point to reverse geocode, in the coordinate system defined by crs.
- Y [mandatory]: Y coordinate of the point to reverse geocode, in the coordinate system defined by crs.
- zoom [optional]: Zoom level. It will define the accuracy of the reverse geocoding response.
- crs [mandatory]: Projection system used, It must follow OGC nomenclature. For example EPSG:32630 for WGS84 UTM 30 North or EPSG:3857 for Spherical Mercator projection.
- output [mandatory]: Response format. Possible values are:
- txt: Response is a text string with the point Elevation in meters.
- Xml: The result is an XML file Xml with information of the point Elevation.
- userkey [mandatory]: User’s key for authentication purposes. This key is unique for each client and must be requested to Field Group.
The response returned will be.
Jernia Gunerius, Vaterlandstunnelen, Vaterland, Sentrum, Oslo, 0184, Norge