Measurement Services
A set of services has been implemented in order to perform advanced mesurements on Ortho and Oblique services.
This service calculates the elevation from sea level of a given point of an ortho image. The elevation is measured in meters.
MEElevation Parameters
The parameters needed in the request URL are the following:
This service has the following parameters:
- x [mandatory]: World coordinate X in any valid coordinate system.
- y [mandatory]: World coordinate Y in any valid coordinate system.
- crs [mandatory]: Projection system used, It must follow OGC nomenclature. For example EPSG:32630 for WGS84 UTM 30 North or EPSG:3785 for Spherical Mercator projection.
- output [mandatory]: Response format. Possible values are:
- txt: Response is a text string with the point Elevation in meters.
- Xml: The result is an XML file Xml with information of the point Elevation.
- userkey [mandatory]: User’s key for authentication purposes. This key is unique for each client and must be requested to Field Group.
The result of the request will be the value in meters:
This service calculates the length between 2 points, but it takes into account the ground’s surface shape. Therefore, the ground length between two points will always be greater than or equals to the linear length between those points. The difference between these two measures would depend on how rough the ground is. If the ground is smooth, both measures would be almost the same value. Otherwise, ground length may be significantly higher than linear length.
In order to calculate the ground length, the service will divide the imaginary straight line between the points given into 10 or less divisions, given that the divisions are greater than 10 metres. For each division, the service will calculate the height of its edge points and then it will calculate the length between those points using their height and the linear length between them. The result will be the addition of all these partial lengths.
MEGroundDistance Parameters
The parameters needed in the request URL are the following:
- crs [mandatory]: Projection system used, It must follow OGC nomenclature. For example EPSG:32630 for WGS84 UTM 30 North or EPSG:3857 for Spherical Mercator projection.
- coors [mandatory]: coordinates of the points between which the length is being measured, separated by commas. Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax. Point coordinates may be either oblique coordinates or world coordinates on the same projection crs indicates.
- output [mandatory]: Response format. Possible values are:
- txt: Response is a text string with comma-separated values (“,”).
- Xml: Response is an XML file.
- userkey [mandatory]: User’s key for authentication purposes. This key is unique for each client and must be requested to Field Group.
- id [mandatory if measuring in an oblique image]: Id of the oblique image in which the measure is being taken. If no ID or an empty one is provided, the service would interpret that the measure is being taken in an ortho image.
The result will be the value in meters:
This service will calculate the area in square meters defined by a collection of points comprised of pixel coordinates in a given oblique image. The area calculated does not consider buildings.
MEArea Parameters
Parameters of the service are described below:
- points [mandatory]: This parameter is a list of coordinates separated by commas. The following rules must be observed to provide the list:
- The number of coordinates must be an even number
- There must be at least 6 values (i.e., 3 points)
- Odd coordinates, represent X coordinates.
- Even coordinates, represent Y coordinates.
- id [mandatory]: This is the ID of the Oblique image used.
- emodel [mandatory]: Indicates if the Mapspace digital terrain model of the area must be used in the conversion or not. Possible values for this parameter are:
- yes: The Digital Terrain Model of the Area will be used. This slows down the transformation process, but results are more precise.
- no: The Digital Terrain Model of the Area will not be used.
- output [mandatory]: Response format. Possible values are:
- txt: Response is a text string with comma-separated values (“,”).
- Xml: Response is an XML file.
- userkey [mandatory]: User’s Key for authentication purposes. This key is unique for each client and must be requested to Field Group.
The result of the request would be like this:
This service calculates the height, in meters, between two given points. Each point is defined by pixel coordinates within a given oblique image. The first point has to be a point on the terrain, and the second point will be considered as located on the vertical of that point.
MEHeight Parameters
Parameters of the service are described below:
- ** x1** [mandatory]: Starting Pixel X coordinate. For a valid measurement it must be located on the ground level of the image.
- y1 [mandatory]: Starting Pixel Y coordinate. For a valid measurement it must be located on the ground level of the image.
- x2 [mandatory]: Ending Pixel X coordinate.
- y2 [mandatory]: Ending Pixel Y coordinate.
- id [mandatory]: This is the ID of the Oblique image used.
- emodel [mandatory]: Indicates if the Mapspace digital terrain model of the area must be used in the conversion or not. Possible values for this parameter are:
- yes: The Digital Terrain Model of the Area will be used. This slows down the transformation process, but results are more precise.
- no: The Digital Terrain Model of the Area will not be used.
- output [mandatory]: Response format. Possible values are:
- txt: Response is a text string with comma-separated values (“,”).
- Xml: Response is an XML file.
- userkey [mandatory]: User’s Key for authentication purposes. This key is unique for each client and must be requested to Field Group.
The result of the request would be like this:
This service calculates the total length, in meters, of the line defined by a list of points passed to the service. Calculations are done considering the terrain only, but not the buildings.
MEDistance Parameters
Parameters of the service are described below:
- points [mandatory]: This parameter is a list of coordinates separated by commas. The following rules must be observed to provide the list:
- The number of coordinates must be an even number
- Odd coordinates, represent X coordinates.
- Even coordinates, represent Y coordinates.
- id [mandatory]: This is the ID of the Oblique image used.
- emodel [mandatory]: Indicates if the Mapspace digital terrain model of the area must be used in the conversion or not. Possible values for this parameter are:
- yes: The Digital Terrain Model of the Area will be used. This slows down the transformation process, but results are more precise.
- no: The Digital Terrain Model of the Area will not be used.
- output [mandatory]: Response format. Possible values are:
- txt: Response is a text string with comma-separated values (“,”).
- Xml: Response is an XML file.
- userkey [mandatory]: User’s Key for authentication purposes. This key is unique for each client and must be requested to Field Group.
The result of the request would be like this:
This service calculates the Azimuth angle defined by two points. Each point is defined by its pixel coordinates referred to a given oblique image.
First point defines the vector origin and the second defines its end. Azimuth angle is calculated as the angle of this vector with respect to the geographical North.
MEBearing Parameters
Parameters of the service are described below:
- x1 [mandatory]: Starting Pixel X coordinate.
- y1 [mandatory]: Starting Pixel Y coordinate.
- x2 [mandatory]: Ending Pixel X coordinate.
- y2 [mandatory]: Ending Pixel Y coordinate.
- id [mandatory]: This is the ID of the Oblique image used.
- emodel [mandatory]: Indicates if the Mapspace digital terrain model of the area must be used in the conversion or not. Possible values for this parameter are:
- yes: The Digital Terrain Model of the Area will be used. This slows down the transformation process, but results are more precise.
- no: The Digital Terrain Model of the Area will not be used.
- output [mandatory]: Response format. Possible values are:
- txt: Response is a text string with comma-separated values (“,”).
- Xml: Response is an XML file.
- userkey [mandatory]: User’s Key for authentication purposes. This key is unique for each client and must be requested to Field Group.
The result of the request would be like this:
This service calculates the elevation (height from sea level) in a given point of a given oblique image. This calculation considers only the terrain height, but not the building heights. The returned value is in meters.
MEObliqueElevation Parameters
Parameters of the service are described below:
- x [mandatory]: Pixel X coordinate.
- y [mandatory]: Pixel Y coordinate.
- id [mandatory]: This is the ID of the Oblique image used.
- output [mandatory]: Response format. Possible values are:
- txt: Response is a text string with comma-separated values (“,”).
- Xml: Response is an XML file.
- userkey [mandatory]: User’s Key for authentication purposes. This key is unique for each client and must be requested to Field Group.
The result of the request would be like this:
This service will calculate the angle (in radians) between the world’s vertical axis and the image’s horizontal axis in a certain oblique image. This is used by the Javascript API’s height measure control, so that the height measure tool can only move up and down along the world’s vertical axis and the height measure would me more accurate.
MEHeightAngle Parameters
Parameters of the service are described below:
- x [mandatory]: Pixel X coordinate.
- y [mandatory]: Pixel Y coordinate.
- id [mandatory]: This is the ID of the Oblique image used.
- output [mandatory]: Response format. Possible values are:
- txt: Response is a text string with comma-separated values (“,”).
- Xml: Response is an XML file.
- userkey [mandatory]: User’s Key for authentication purposes. This key is unique for each client and must be requested to Field Group.
The result of the request would be like this:
This service will calculate the vertical area in square meters defined by a collection of points comprised of pixel coordinates in a given oblique image. The vertical area calculated considers first two points as baseline and rest points to be above the baseline.
MEFacadeArea Parameters
Parameters of the service are described below:
- points [mandatory]: This parameter is a list of coordinates separated by commas. The following rules must be observed to provide the list:
- The number of coordinates must be an even number
- There must be at least 6 values (i.e., 3 points)
- Odd coordinates, represent X coordinates.
- Even coordinates, represent Y coordinates.
- id [mandatory]: This is the ID of the Oblique image used.
- emodel [mandatory]: Indicates if the Mapspace digital terrain model of the area must be used in the conversion or not. Possible values for this parameter are:
- yes: The Digital Terrain Model of the Area will be used. This slows down the transformation process, but results are more precise.
- no: The Digital Terrain Model of the Area will not be used.
- output [mandatory]: Response format. Possible values are:
- txt: Response is a text string with comma-separated values (“,”).
- Xml: Response is an XML file.
- userkey [mandatory]: User’s Key for authentication purposes. This key is unique for each client and must be requested to Field Group.
The result of the request would be like this: