3D Mesh Services
BlomURBEX serves 3D Textured Mesh under de 3D Tile standard format defined by the Cesium project in ECEF projection system (EPSG:4978) in 2D tiled system: Mercator Quadtree (EPSG:3857).
The transfer format of the Web Services will based on the open 3D Tiles Cesium specs:
The format is composed by a Json file with the index and location (RTC anchor) info of each 3D tile and set of 3D tiles, and a binary file with the geographic and feature information of the 3D Mesh textured model.
The binary format is based on the GLTF standard.
Tile Coordinates and QuadTree keys
The data structure is based on the same sytem used for the ortho images, the Spherical Mercator quadtree. Tile naming will follow same rules.
But data projection is based the ECEF system (same as Lidar data).
The WFS 3D Mesh Projects Info service is a web service based in the WFS standard protocol for serving vector information.
Mapspace offers the WFS service to allow users to access to vector information related with the 3D Mesh Projects coverage and metadata information following OGC's regulation and directives.
The service uses the http protocol with the parameters normalized by OGC, which define version, type of request, coordinate system, bounding box, etc.
The service supports several input projection systems, but vector information will provided on EPSG:4326 projection.
The WFS supported versions are 1.0.0 & 1.1.0.
To connect to the Mapspace INWFS3DMeshProjects service from a GIS client, it is necessary to setup the following URL:
In this request, userkey string must be replaced by the unique platform access key provided by Field Group.
GetCapabilities returns information about available features, capabilities and spatial operators.
In order to support SSL web protocol (HTTPS) it has been added a new clone service on this URL:
Parameters defined by OGC standard are:
- Version [mandatory]: This parameter is the WFS version that is used for this request. Only two values are accepted in the current API version:
- 1.0.0
- 1.1.0
- Request [mandatory]: Possible values are:
- GetCapabilites: used to obtain the web services descriptor xml file
- DescribeFeatureType: returns the feature descriptor xml file.
- GetFeature: used to retrieving a feature query.
- Service [mandatory]: The service name: WFS
- Typename: mandatory for GetFeature and DescribeFeatureType requests. It is the name of the feature layer provided by the service. 3D Mesh project informationwill be provided by the name of ‘mesh3dproject’.
- Userkey [mandatory]: User’s key for authentication purposes. This key is unique for each client and must be requested from Field Group.
- Bbox [optional]: Optional for GetFeature request. It defines the bounding box extent of the query.
- SrsName [optional]: it defines the projection system of the input information (i.e. bbox).
The result of the GetCapabilities & DescribeFeatureType will be a Xml file according the OGC standard definition.
There is available one type of features: mesh3dproject. This is the project extent
The output of GetFeature request is a Gml file with next parameters:
- Geometry: Polygon of the requested feature. Provided in EPSG:4326 projection
- Name: project name
- code: project code.
- Init_date: project starting capture date.
- End_date: project ending capture date.
- Scanner_description: scanner type.
- Extended_properties: Additional parameters in Json format.(optional)
This service returns the 3D Mesh tile information requested, in b3dm or Json format.
The load of the 3D Mesh model must be handled by the first request of the main Json file of the project. An Alias has been generated for this purpose.
The HTTPS support is available under DAGetStreetTileSSL service alias.
DAGet3DMeshTile Parameters
Parameters of the service are described below:
- id [mandatory]: Tile ID, it will be a sequence of digits, which only will be able to contain 0, 1, 2, and 3. This nomenclature corresponds to the way of codifying the Tiles for quadtree.
- layer [mandatory]: Code for the layer requested. Layers are different data sources of data.
- project [mandatory]: Code for the project requested. Projects are different blocks of data.
- type [mandatory]: Request format type. Allowed values are ‘json’, ‘b3dm’ and ‘root’. The Json and root format will be valid for the Json files of the 3D Tile format. Root type will obtain the main Json file of the project, necessary for the accessing of the next json files. B3dm format will return the binary 3D textured mesh.
- userkey [mandatory]: User’s key for authentication purposes. This key is unique for each client and must be requested to Field Group.
The result of the request will be json & b3dm files. If the user is not authorized to obtain the requested data or if the requested tile is not available, then an empty file will be returned.
Next request will return a .b3dm model file with gzip compression.
Next request will return a Json model file.
It has been added an ‘Alias’ for the accessing of the project Json file:
This service will locate all the 3D Mesh projects whose extents intersects a given extent.
SE3DMeshProjectBbox Parameters
The parameters needed in the request URL are the following:
- bbox [mandatory]: Bounding Box defined by four coordinates that specify the area in the specified projection system. Coordinates are provided in the following order: minimum X coordinate, minimum Y coordinate, maximum X coordinate, maximum Y coordinate.
- crs [mandatory]: Projection system used, It must follow OGC nomenclature. For example EPSG:32630 for WGS84 UTM 30 North or EPSG:3785 for Spherical Mercator projection.
- output [mandatory]: Response format. Possible values are:
- txt: Response is a text string with comma-separated values (“,”).
- Xml: Response is an XML file.
- Json: Response is Json format.
- date [optional] : A date following the structure YYYYMMDD or YYYYMM or YYYY. The service will use the most current images available, whose date is previous to the requested date. It is also possible to use a range of dates with the structure YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD, in this case the images used will be the most current ones available in the specified date range.If the parameter is omitted the system will submit the most recent version of the tile.
- layer [optional]: This parameter indicates the 3D Mesh layer where searching will be performed.
- userkey [mandatory]: User’s key for authentication purposes. This key is unique for each client and must be requested to Field Group.
Error messages
If no images are found for the specified point an Error message is returned. If the response format was specified as a text, the response message is:
ERROR, Error message text
If the response format is XML the error XML file is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?>
ERROR, Error message text
The https request for searching the available 3D Mesh projects in a bounding box would be like this:
For each 3D Mesh Project located the following information is provided:
- Code: 3D Mesh project code.
- Name: 3D Mesh project name.
- Init_date: Starting capture date.
- End_date: Ending capture date.
- Layer: 3D Mesh project layer.
- Xcp: X location of the project centroid (EPSG:4978).
- Ycp: Y location of the project centroid (EPSG:4978).
- Zcp: Z location of the project centroid (EPSG:4978).
- Dtm_3d_layer: Dtm 3D layer name to be used for this proyect.
- Copyright: 3D Mesh project copyright.
- Bbox: Project bbox geometry in WKT format (EPSG:4326).